Hi, I am having some misunderstandings on implementing 1,n mappings.

        The mapping is this one, as follows right bellow. My doubt is in the 
collectin-descriptor: What is the field that I need to reference on the 

        This colection is a vector of EntidadeExternaPessoaContato, and this field 
_idPessoaContato does not seem right to me.

        Can anyone point me what is the right way to think about this problem?

Best regards,
Marcelo Magno

    <class-descriptor class="dom.EntidadeExterna" table="EntidadeExterna">
        <field-descriptor name="_idEntidadeExterna" column="PkEntidadeExterna" 
           primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" /> 
        <field-descriptor name="_nome" column="Nome" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
          <collection-descriptor name="_listaPessoaContato" 
         auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="true">
            <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="_idPessoaContato"/> <!-- from 
EntidadeExternaPessoaContato ???-->
    <class-descriptor class="dom.EntidadeExternaPessoaContato" 
        <field-descriptor name="_idPessoaContato" 
column="PkEntidadeExternaPessoaContato" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
            primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" /> 
        <field-descriptor name="_nome" column="Nome" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
        <field-descriptor name="_telefone" column="Telefone" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
        <field-descriptor name="_email" column="Email" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
        <field-descriptor name="_unidadeId" column="FkUnidade" jdbc-type="INTEGER" />
        <reference-descriptor name="_unidade" class-ref="dom.Unidade" >
            <foreignkey field-ref="_unidadeId"/>

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