On Friday, I posted asking about a strange bug in my system. I never got any
responses, but I did find the cause of the bug. The problem is, I don't
understand the cause. I was hoping that someone who knows more about
relationship and proxy behavior might enlighten me. I really need to
understand this so I can not make these mistakes in the future.

I have three classes : User, Customer, and PaymentTxn. At the point at
which the strange behavior occurred, I had retrieved a user, using a
criteria query, and was creating a PaymentTxn object. The User object
has a reference to a Customer object, which I wanted to use
in my new PaymentTxn object. The User object's reference was 
specified in the repository_user.xml file like this :
        <foreignkey field-ref="customerID"/>

The reference in the PaymentTxn object is specified in the same way.

When I tried to get the Customer via the User object by following the
reference, the strange behavior occurred. I could get the Customer object,
and print out its id properly. But when I tried to add it to the User
the generated SQL got the customer id value wrong. When I changed
the code so that I used a criteria based query to retrieve the
Customer object, the generated SQL was fine. Why? What is the difference
in behavior? The sequence of retrievals looks the same in either case.

Here is the code that did not work :
  CustomerInterface customer = payer.getCustomer();
  System.out.println("customer name is " + customer.getName());
  System.out.println("customer id is " + customer.getID());
The name and id printed out correctly, but after calling setIssuingCustomer,
the associated SQL insert statement had the wrong value (a 0) for

But this code did work :
  CustomerInterface customer = retrieveCustomerByName("TheBigCustomer");
  System.out.println("customer name is " + customer.getName());
  System.out.println("customer id is " + customer.getID());

The only difference is the way in which I obtained
the customer. Why should this be different?

Bonnie MacKellar
software engineer
Mobius Management Systems, Inc.


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