Have you looked at ODMG yet?  I think the ODMG collection implementations provide this 
type of functionality.

* Scott T Weaver                    *
* Jakarta Jetspeed Portal Project   *

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brown, Melonie S. - Contractor
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 10:28 AM
> Subject: Yet Another Update Question
> I have an update where a particular field value needs to be changed for a
> group of users.   I can retrieve the collection, iterate through and do
> individual updates on each record, but that doesn't seem very efficient.
> Is there a way to do a mass update or something like  "Update Some_Table
> Set
> Field1 = 'foo' where Field1 = 'bar' ) without doing a custom query -
> perhaps
> a broker.setCollectionByQuery() kind of thing?
> If so, could someone please provide a code snippet or point to an example?
> [I'm using the PersistenceBroker]
> I've reviewed the FAQ and PersistenceBroker documentation, but didn't see
> anything that addressed this (If it's there and I overlooked it, a pointer
> to the location would be great).
> Melonie
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