I posted a question on Thursday about a mysterious error I am getting when I
try to obtain a broker in a thread spawned within my application. It was not
answered, perhaps because of the holiday, or perhaps because no one else is
doing what we are doing.

We are running a servlet based application in Weblogic. I am using rc2 at
the moment. As long as I obtain the broker in the main thread, there is no
problem. But if I spawn a new thread and try to obtain the broker, I was
getting obvious classpath problems - OJB.properties not found, and so forth.

I explicitly placed the classpath info for the app in my Weblogic startup
file (not good, but I will try anything right now). Doing this, it does find
the OJB.properties file, but now I get another odd error :

[BOOT] ERROR: The specified class
"org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCachePerBrokerImpl" does not implement
the interface org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCache, which is a
requirement for the key "ObjectCacheClass". Using default class
        at dbtests.AccountUpdater.run(AccountUpdater.java:68)

Has anybody ever encountered this error before? Obviously, something goes
hideously wrong with the configuration of OJB once threads get into the
picture, but what? And again, I do not have this problem as long as the code
to obtain the broker is situated in the main thread.

Bonnie MacKellar
software engineer
Mobius Management Systems, Inc.

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