I do call persistanceBroker.abortTransaction(); when I catch an exception,
and I call 
  persistanceBroker.close(); in the finally of the method

I am not sure if I understand your suggestion about which transaction logic
to use.
I am not using EJBs, I am using websphere datasource, with DB2 pooled
database driver.
Is there a known issue?

thanks for your help

-----Original Message-----
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 6:13 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Rollback not happening


> I am using WebSphere transaction manager factory, and
> ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl.
if you are running in an managed environment use
declarative or programmatic transaction of your
appServer (don't use the OJB tx demarcation
e.g beginTransaction(), ...).
How do you use OJB - within session beans?

If you don't run in a managed environment
and you want to use OJB tx-demarcation, don't
set 'ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl'.


----- Original Message -----
From: "McCaffrey, John G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'OJB Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:12 AM
Subject: Rollback not happening

> hmmm. I must be missing something, but I thought if I called
> persistanceBroker.beginTransaction();
> persistanceBroker.store(brokerVO);
> and if there was an exception and
> never gets called, then the data should not be in the database.
> I am storing a BrokerVO that has N BusinessContact objects, and if one
> the businesContacts fails to insert, I want the whole transaction to
> rollback. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. If any part of the
> transaction fails (I am inserting into three tables), I want all of
the data
> to rollback.
>  <snip>
> <class-descriptor class="com.kraft.esi.msf.common.db.dsna.BrokerVO"
> schema="&schema;" table="brkr">
> <field-descriptor id="1" name="brkrNbr" column="BP_NBR"
> jdbc-type="DECIMAL" primarykey="true"/>
> <field-descriptor id="2" name="vendNbr" column="AP_VNDR_NBR"
> jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
> <field-descriptor id="3" name="brkrEffStrtDate"
> column="EFCT_STRT_DT" jdbc-type="DATE"
> eldConversion"/>
> <field-descriptor id="4" name="brkrEffEndDate"
> column="EFCT_END_DT" jdbc-type="DATE"
> eldConversion"/>
> <field-descriptor id="5" name="brkrComment" column="CMNT"
> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
>     <reference-descriptor name="busnPtnrVO"
> class-ref="com.kraft.esi.msf.common.db.dsna.BusnPtnrVO"
> auto-update="true" auto-delete="true">
>     <foreignkey field-id-ref="1"/>
>     </reference-descriptor>
>      <reference-descriptor name="apVndrVO"
> class-ref="com.kraft.esi.msf.common.db.dsna.ApVndrVO"
> auto-update="false" auto-delete="false">
>     <foreignkey field-id-ref="2"/>
>     </reference-descriptor>
>   <!-- -->
> <collection-descriptor  name="businessContacts"
> element-class-ref="com.kraft.esi.msf.common.db.dsna.BpCntctVO"
> auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="true"
> auto-delete="true" orderby="cntctTypeCode" sort="ASC"
> proxy="false" >
>      <inverse-foreignkey  field-id-ref="1"/>
>     </collection-descriptor>
> </class-descriptor>
>  <snip>
> I am using WebSphere transaction manager factory, and
> ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl.
> any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -John
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