hi again,

Aaron Longwell wrote:
Thanks Thomas,

I've stopped running out of connection pools... I'm above the threshold now.

good news!

What is the reason for having both a properties and XML configuration file? I think it would be more convenient to have a globals section in the repository.xml. Just my opinion.

You could use OJB without a repository.xml, but not without the OJB.properties!

OJB properties contains everything this is needed to to boot OJB and to set global settings.

The repository contains only mapping metadata. You could live without repository.xml and build up a DescriptorRepository programmatically and not by parsing a file.

So it makes some sense to the files separate.

(TopLink does also use a properties file plus a separate xml file or mapping class).


Thanks again,

Thomas Mahler wrote:

Hi Aaron,

OJB uses several Pools. One pool is used for Broker instances.
Then there is another pool for JDBC connections.
What you see is a shortage of JDBC connections.

The Broker pool is configured in OJB.properties, as it is a global setting.
The Connection Pool is configured in repository.xml, as it can be configured per JDBC connection.


Allows 100 parallel connnections. If all connections are exhausted the pool grows (="2").

all features are documented here:


Aaron Longwell wrote:

I have decided to load test an OJB+Struts web application I am building. The results, pass! (but not by a whole lot).

My goal was to support 100 simultaneous users. The application is an event scheduler, for which one view is a calendar-formatted display of events for the month. It uses OJBs getCollectionByQuery (PB API) to retrieve the events.

Using Apache's JMeter, I simulated 100 users loading the calendar page about every 15 seconds. This comes out to around 6-8 requests per second. Average response times are under 1 second on my very modest machine. I received no errors after running at this load for several minutes... in short.. a successful test.

However, upping the users to 150 begins destroying the error percentage. Every error that occured was a commons-logging "unable to borrow connection from pool" exception (see afterword for StackTrace). Can someone explain the performance enhancement features of OJB to me?

I have perused the OJB.properties and found maxActive=100 as the default for the number of brokers. I have changed this to 600 with no result. In my stack trace I see that there is a connectionPoolDescriptor setting of maxActive=21 (see below). Is it possible to change this value in the properties file? What is the name for the name value pair if so? Are there other enhancements I can make to support more users?

Aaron Longwell

Selected Portions of Stack Trace:

Used ConnectionManager instance could not obtain a connection: Could not borrow connection from pool - org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.JdbcConnectionDescriptor: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=0, maxIdle=-1, maxActive=21, maxWait=5000, removeAbandoned=false, numTestsPerEvictionRun=10, testWhileIdle=false, minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=600000, testOnReturn=false, logAbandoned=false, removeAbandonedTimeout=300, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1, testOnBorrow=true}

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