Can someone who knows more about the core tables read and comment as


First, you need to check your connection properties in 
There you can control the number of open connections, pooling, all of
that good stuff.

The next thing is that on one of the tables (OJB_DMAP_ENTRIES) in OJB
tries to create two LONG RAW columns, which you can't do in Oracle. 

So I changed all of the various LONG RAW columns in the core tables in
Oracle to RAW(2000).  LONG RAW and RAW are both non-interpreted binary
data columns, LONG RAW supports up to 2 Gig's, and RAW up to 2000.

Now, I don't know what OJB needs a 2GIG column for, but my tests passed
on RAW(2000).

Finally, I didn't actually mess with the torque stuff, I just reverse
engineering everything into a SQL file and ran it on Oracle.  

If you want to do it with Torque, you'll need to change some
configuration files:

1) You need to open/unzip the "torque-3.0.jar" in the lib directory.
2) You need to open the db.props file for Oracle (in sql/base/oracle
directory). This file controls the JDBC mappings for the tables that are

3) Zip it up again with the new file and run

I could use some commentary on this from Armin or Thomas as to if this
is OK for all uses.  I've run all of my JUnit/JUnitEE tests without a
problem.  But 2000 is a lot smaller than 2 Gig.

If you need more help, let me know.


On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 09:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thanks for the info Jason - 
> I am getting errors when running junit.  I have played around with 
> different usernames in Oracle, different strategies for including jar 
> files, searching the mailing list for hints on Oracle installs, etc but to 
> no avail at this point.  I have followed the on line docs around install 
> and configuration to the tee but clearly there must be some manual, 
> undocumented steps I am missing for an Oracle install. 
> My bin\build junit output looks like:
> junit-no-compile-no-prepare:
>     [junit] Running
>     [junit] Tests run: 209, Failures: 12, Errors: 66, Time elapsed: 86.388 
> sec
>     [junit] TEST FAILED
>     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests
>     [junit] [BOOT] INFO: 
> file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
>     [junit] Tests run: 156, Failures: 12, Errors: 57, Time elapsed: 15.059 
> sec
>     [junit] TEST org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests FAILED
>     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.soda.AllTests
>     [junit] [BOOT] INFO: 
> file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
>     [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.116 sec
>     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.otm.AllTests
>     [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.197 sec
> I am getting errors when trying to allocate connections, invalid user name 
> and password errors, could init identitiy for given object errors (all 
> java.lang.Long errors).  Any configuration help you can provide me to get 
> my Oracle junit tests at an acceptable level would be great.  I am 
> currently evaluating Hibernate as well.
> Peter
> Jason McKerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 06/17/2003 12:06 PM
> Please respond to "OJB Users List"
>         To:     OJB Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         cc: 
>         Subject:        Re: Any Oracle OJB Users in Production?
> I am running OJB succesfully in production on both Oracle 8i (
> and Oracle 9i (  I haven't had any problems except that in
> Oracle you can't have multiple long (is that the right one?) columns in
> a single table.  I just changed the data types.  I'll have to look up
> what I changed them too.
> Can you describe some of the problems you are having? 
> Jason McKerr
> Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering
> On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 04:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am currently evaluating the use of OJB for a new web application 
> server 
> > framework for my company and would very much like to use OJB or some 
> other 
> > object - relational framework.  I have had many problems and issues 
> > getting the OJB unit test scripts to work against my database however, 
> so 
> > I don't have a great deal of confidence that OJB1.0 can be rolled out 
> > successfully in an enterprise production environment based upon Oracle 
> > 8.1.7.
> > 
> > Can someone share with me any of their experiences with a working, 
> > production Oracle instance of OJB?  Does anyone have a working, 
> functional 
> > OJB installation and configuration in production based upon an Oracle 
> > backend?  Can you send your config files that you use/used to 
> successfully 
> > run junit?
> > 
> > thx in advance
> > 
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 06/13/2003 09:10 AM
> > Please respond to "OJB Users List"
> > 
> > 
> >         To:     "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >         cc:     "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >         Subject:        RE: Problem with junit testing on Oracle 8.1.7
> > 
> > 
> > Looks like I got around the class not found problem by converting the 
> zip 
> > file into a jar and then putting it in the lib directory.  Now my junit 
> > output looks like:
> > 
> > junit-no-compile-no-prepare:
> >     [junit] Running
> >     [junit] Tests run: 209, Failures: 12, Errors: 66, Time elapsed: 
> 97.977 
> > 
> > sec
> >     [junit] TEST FAILED
> >     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests
> >     [junit] [BOOT] INFO: 
> > file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
> >     [junit] Tests run: 156, Failures: 12, Errors: 57, Time elapsed: 
> 16.604 
> > 
> > sec
> >     [junit] TEST org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests FAILED
> >     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.soda.AllTests
> >     [junit] [BOOT] INFO: 
> > file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
> >     [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.758 
> sec
> >     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.otm.AllTests
> >     [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.859 
> sec
> > 
> > 
> > Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy that this package is ready for prime 
> time 
> > 
> > on Oracle 8i.
> > 
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 06/13/2003 07:55 AM
> > Please respond to "OJB Users List"
> > 
> > 
> >         To:     "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >         cc: 
> >         Subject:        RE: Problem with junit testing on Oracle 8.1.7
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the response Mahler.
> > 
> > There's the rub, its a zip file actually.  I have modified the build.bat 
> > script to incorporate the zip file in the JVM classpath argument as 
> > follows:
> > 
> > @echo off
> > REM Please let JAVA_HOME point to your JDK base directory
> > if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1_08
> > 
> > set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
> > set cp=
> > for %%i in (lib\*.jar) do call bin\cp.bat %%i
> > set 
> > 
> CP=..\target\classes;..\target\classestest;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%CP%
> > 
> > set 
> > 
> local_cp=c:\ora8i\jdbc\lib\;c:\websphere\appserver\lib\j2ee.jar;%CP%
> > echo JVM classpath is %local_cp%...
> > 
> > "%JAVA%" -classpath "%local_cp%" -Dant.home=lib 
> > %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -buildfile build.xml
> > 
> > This seemed to work fine when I built the test db (bin\build 
> > prepare-testdb) but does not seem to work when I run the unit tests 
> > (bin\build junit)???  I'm a bit stumped.
> > 
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Mahler Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 06/13/2003 03:20 AM
> > Please respond to "OJB Users List"
> > 
> > 
> >         To:     "'OJB Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >         cc: 
> >         Subject:        RE: Problem with junit testing on Oracle 8.1.7
> > 
> > 
> > Just place the drivers jar file in the OJB lib directory.
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:13 AM
> > > To: OJB Users List
> > > Subject: Re: Problem with junit testing on Oracle 8.1.7
> > > 
> > > 
> > > It looks like the JVM that is executing the tests can't find 
> > > my driver 
> > > class, even though (the Oracle driver library) 
> > > is on the JVM 
> > > classpath when it executes.  Is there a specific 
> > > modification/configuration I need to make to force junit to 
> > > find my driver 
> > > class?
> > > 
> > > Here is a sample of the errors I am getting in target\test
> > > 
> > > thx in advance
> > > 
> > > Peter
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Testsuite:
> > > Tests run: 209, Failures: 20, Errors: 150, Time elapsed: 60.805 sec
> > > ------------- Standard Output ---------------
> > > [BOOT] INFO: 
> > > file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
> > > [] INFO: 
> > > Create new connection 
> > > pool:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >   jcd-alias=default
> > >   default-connection=true
> > >   dbms=Oracle
> > >   jdbc-level=1.0
> > >   driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > >   protocol=jdbc
> > >   sub-protocol=oracle
> > >   db-alias=oci8:@WBSP.WORLD
> > >   user=storefront
> > >   password=*****
> > >   eager-release=false
> > >   ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=0, maxIdle=-1, 
> > > maxActive=21, maxWait=5000, removeAbandoned=false, 
> > > numTestsPerEvictionRun=10, testWhileIdle=false, 
> > > minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=600000, testOnReturn=false, 
> > > logAbandoned=false, 
> > > removeAbandonedTimeout=300, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1, 
> > > testOnBorrow=true}
> > >   batchMode=false
> > >   ignoreAutoCommitExceptions=false
> > > 
> > >
> > >      sequenceManagerClass=class 
> > >
> > >      Properties={autoNaming=true, globalSequenceId=false, 
> > > globalSequenceStart=10000, grabSize=20}
> > > ]
> > > ]
> > > [
> > > pl] ERROR: 
> > > oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > > [] ERROR: 
> > > PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of 
> > > materializeObject: Used 
> > > ConnectionManager instance could not obtain a connection: 
> > > Could not borrow 
> > > connection from pool - 
> > > 
> > >   jcd-alias=default
> > >   default-connection=true
> > >   dbms=Oracle
> > >   jdbc-level=1.0
> > >   driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > >   protocol=jdbc
> > >   sub-protocol=oracle
> > >   db-alias=oci8:@WBSP.WORLD
> > >   user=storefront
> > >   password=*****
> > >   eager-release=false
> > >   ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=0, maxIdle=-1, 
> > > maxActive=21, maxWait=5000, removeAbandoned=false, 
> > > numTestsPerEvictionRun=10, testWhileIdle=false, 
> > > minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=600000, testOnReturn=false, 
> > > logAbandoned=false, 
> > > removeAbandonedTimeout=300, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1, 
> > > testOnBorrow=true}
> > >   batchMode=false
> > >   ignoreAutoCommitExceptions=false
> > > 
> > >
> > >      sequenceManagerClass=class 
> > >
> > >      Properties={autoNaming=true, globalSequenceId=false, 
> > > globalSequenceStart=10000, grabSize=20}
> > > ]
> > > ]: A class was not found: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > > Used ConnectionManager instance could not obtain a 
> > > connection: Could not 
> > > borrow connection from pool - 
> > > 
> > >   jcd-alias=default
> > >   default-connection=true
> > >   dbms=Oracle
> > >   jdbc-level=1.0
> > >   driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > >   protocol=jdbc
> > >   sub-protocol=oracle
> > >   db-alias=oci8:@WBSP.WORLD
> > >   user=storefront
> > >   password=*****
> > >   eager-release=false
> > >   ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=0, maxIdle=-1, 
> > > maxActive=21, maxWait=5000, removeAbandoned=false, 
> > > numTestsPerEvictionRun=10, testWhileIdle=false, 
> > > minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=600000, testOnReturn=false, 
> > > logAbandoned=false, 
> > > removeAbandonedTimeout=300, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1, 
> > > testOnBorrow=true}
> > >   batchMode=false
> > >   ignoreAutoCommitExceptions=false
> > > 
> > >
> > >      sequenceManagerClass=class 
> > >
> > >      Properties={autoNaming=true, globalSequenceId=false, 
> > > globalSequenceStart=10000, grabSize=20}
> > > ]
> > > ]: A class was not found: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > > [
> > > pl] ERROR: 
> > > oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > > [] ERROR: 
> > > PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of delete: Used 
> > > ConnectionManager instance could not obtain a connection: 
> > > Could not borrow 
> > > connection from pool - 
> > > 
> > >   jcd-alias=default
> > >   default-connection=true
> > >   dbms=Oracle
> > >   jdbc-level=1.0
> > >   driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > >   protocol=jdbc
> > >   sub-protocol=oracle
> > >   db-alias=oci8:@WBSP.WORLD
> > >   user=storefront
> > >   password=*****
> > >   eager-release=false
> > >   ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=0, maxIdle=-1, 
> > > maxActive=21, maxWait=5000, removeAbandoned=false, 
> > > numTestsPerEvictionRun=10, testWhileIdle=false, 
> > > minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=600000, testOnReturn=false, 
> > > logAbandoned=false, 
> > > removeAbandonedTimeout=300, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1, 
> > > testOnBorrow=true}
> > >   batchMode=false
> > >   ignoreAutoCommitExceptions=false
> > > 
> > >
> > >      sequenceManagerClass=class 
> > >
> > >      Properties={autoNaming=true, globalSequenceId=false, 
> > > globalSequenceStart=10000, grabSize=20}
> > > ]
> > > ]: A class was not found: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > > Used ConnectionManager instance could not obtain a 
> > > connection: Could not 
> > > borrow connection from pool - 
> > > 
> > >   jcd-alias=default
> > >   default-connection=true
> > >   dbms=Oracle
> > >   jdbc-level=1.0
> > >   driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > >   protocol=jdbc
> > >   sub-protocol=oracle
> > >   db-alias=oci8:@WBSP.WORLD
> > >   user=storefront
> > >   password=*****
> > >   eager-release=false
> > >   ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=0, maxIdle=-1, 
> > > maxActive=21, maxWait=5000, removeAbandoned=false, 
> > > numTestsPerEvictionRun=10, testWhileIdle=false, 
> > > minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=600000, testOnReturn=false, 
> > > logAbandoned=false, 
> > > removeAbandonedTimeout=300, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=-1, 
> > > testOnBorrow=true}
> > >   batchMode=false
> > >   ignoreAutoCommitExceptions=false
> > > 
> > >
> > >      sequenceManagerClass=class 
> > >
> > >      Properties={autoNaming=true, globalSequenceId=false, 
> > > globalSequenceStart=10000, grabSize=20}
> > > ]
> > > ]: A class was not found: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 06/12/2003 05:33 PM
> > > Please respond to "OJB Users List"
> > > 
> > > 
> > >         To:     "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >         cc: 
> > >         Subject:        Problem with junit testing on Oracle 8.1.7
> > > 
> > > 
> > > My output is below but it looks like most of my test cases 
> > > failed.  Anyone 
> > > 
> > > have any idea what mught be causing the problem?  It looks like I got 
> > > through the DB creation steps just fine.  Is there a 
> > > properties or XML 
> > > file I need to change in order to configure junit?
> > > 
> > > I am running Oracle 8.1.7 on Windows 2000.
> > > 
> > > Peter
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > project-sql-classpath:
> > >      [echo] +------------------------------------------+
> > >      [echo] |                                          |
> > >      [echo] | Generating SQL for OJB Testsuite!        |
> > >      [echo] | enJoy!                                   |
> > >      [echo] |                                          |
> > >      [echo] +------------------------------------------+
> > > [torque-sql] Using contextProperties file: 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\
> > > [torque-sql] Using classpath
> > > [torque-sql] Generating to file 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\target\src\sql\report.ojbtest.sql.generation
> > > [torque-sql] Resolver: used database.dtd from 
> > > org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package
> > > [torque-sql] Resolver: used database.dtd from 
> > > org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package
> > > 
> > > project-create-db-classpath:
> > > 
> > > project-datasql-classpath:
> > >      [echo] +-----------------------------------------------+
> > >      [echo] |                                               |
> > >      [echo] | Generating SQL from data XML !                |
> > >      [echo] | enJoy!                                        |
> > >      [echo] |                                               |
> > >      [echo] +-----------------------------------------------+
> > >      [echo]  taking from:
> > > [torque-datasql] Using contextProperties file: 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\
> > > [torque-datasql] Using classpath
> > > [torque-datasql] Generating to file 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\target\src\sql\ojbtest-data.sql
> > > [torque-datasql] Resolver: used database.dtd from 
> > > org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package
> > > [torque-datasql] Resolver: used 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\src\schema\ojbtest-data.dtd
> > > 
> > > project-insert-sql:
> > > [torque-insert-sql] Our new url -> jdbc:oracle:oci8:@WBSP.WORLD
> > > [torque-insert-sql] Executing file: 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\target\src\sql\ojbtest-schema.sql
> > > [torque-insert-sql] Executing file: 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\target\src\sql\ojbcore-schema.sql
> > > [torque-insert-sql] Executing file: 
> > > C:\db-ojb-1.0.rc3\target\src\sql\ojbtest-data.sql
> > > [torque-insert-sql] 428 of 428 SQL statements executed successfully
> > > 
> > > junit-no-compile-no-prepare:
> > >     [junit] Running
> > >     [junit] Tests run: 209, Failures: 20, Errors: 150, Time elapsed: 
> > > 56.709 sec
> > >     [junit] TEST FAILED
> > >     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests
> > >     [junit] [BOOT] INFO: 
> > > file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
> > >     [junit] Tests run: 156, Failures: 13, Errors: 63, Time 
> > > elapsed: 6.589 
> > > sec
> > >     [junit] TEST org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests FAILED
> > >     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.soda.AllTests
> > >     [junit] [BOOT] INFO: 
> > > file:/C:/db-ojb-1.0.rc3/target/test/ojb/
> > >     [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 3, Errors: 0, Time 
> > > elapsed: 4.336 sec
> > >     [junit] TEST org.apache.ojb.soda.AllTests FAILED
> > >     [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.otm.AllTests
> > >     [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time 
> > > elapsed: 4.456 sec
> > >     [junit] TEST org.apache.ojb.otm.AllTests FAILED
> > > 
> > > junit-no-compile:
> > > 
> > > junit:
> > > 
> > > Total time: 2 minutes 19 seconds
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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