hi jim,

you can force ojb to use an outer join by using setPathOuterJoin :

ReportQueryByCriteria query;
Criteria crit, having;
crit = new Criteria();
having = new Criteria();
having.addGreaterThan("sum(konti.saldo)", new Integer(200));
query = new ReportQueryByCriteria(Person.class, crit);
query.setColumns(new String[] { "id", "name", "vorname", "sum(konti.saldo)" });
query.addGroupBy(new String[]{ "id", "name", "vorname" });

produces this sql using an OUTER join :

SELECT A0.id,A0.name,A0.vorname,sum(A1.saldo) FROM tabPerson A0 LEFT OUTER JOIN tabKonto A1 ON A0.id=A1.idPerson GROUP BY A0.id,A0.name,A0.vorname HAVING sum(A1.saldo) > '200'

the outer join is used for the columns defined in the relationship descriptor. in your case on 'lang' only. as far as i can see you want to have some kind of a predefined value 'PREFERRED_LANGUAGE' in your query ??
may be you should try to use a query customizer.


Jim Moore wrote:

I've done a work-around by creating a view, but I'd rather not create one
for all the possible values of lookup_type.  Is there no other way?  It
seems like a pretty significant deficiency in the API if I can't even FORCE
the outer join in code.  :(

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Moore Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 3:42 PM
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: Associating an outer join with a value for a report

First, what I'm trying to accomplish...

I need to get this SQL:

SELECT t.name, l.meaning
FROM tasks t, lookup l
WHERE t.userid = 9999 AND
l.lookup_code (+) = t.lang AND
l.lookup_type (+) = 'PREFERRED_LANGUAGE'

Currently I have this

<reference-descriptor name="primaryLanguage" class-ref="Lookup">
 <foreignkey field-ref="lang"/>

<field-descriptor name="lookupCode"
 column="LOOKUP_CODE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
<field-descriptor name="lookupType"
 column="LOOKUP_TYPE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>

Unfortunately, it can't think of how to express the relationship in the above SQL in the XML. So I tried doing the following code:

Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addEqualTo("userid", new Long(9999)); criteria.addEqualTo("primaryLanguage.lookupType", "PREFERRED_LANGUAGE"); ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Task.class, criteria); q.setPathOuterJoin("primaryLanguage"); q.setPathOuterJoin("primaryLanguage.lookupType"); q.setColumns(new String[] {"name", "primaryLanguage.meaning"});

Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to get it to apply the outer-join to the LOOKUP_TYPE column, as setPathOuterJoin("primaryLanguage.lookupType") doesn't do anything, and there's no "addLeftJoinEqualTo" or the like.


What I'd LIKE to be able to do is something along the lines of

Lookup: <field-descriptor name="lookupCode" primarykey="true" column="LOOKUP_CODE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/> <field-descriptor name="lookupType" primarykey="true" column="LOOKUP_TYPE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>

<reference-descriptor name="primaryLanguage" class-ref="Lookup">
 <foreignkey field-ref="lang"/>
 <foreignkey field-value="PREFERRED_LANGUAGE"/>

That way the relationship can be declaratively stated in the XML.


-Jim Moore

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