
thanks for your answer. Correct me if i am wrong, but as far
as i can read you xml files, you need to run 2 queries to
get your 2 classes. I need to run 3 queries (actually there is one
more address, so i need to run 4 queries) to load all the data
i need from the database.  This should be no problem, but i am
wondering if it is not possible to do this in one step (1 query ->
all 4 object will be loaded) ?
getting each object separately i have 4 db accesses instead of 1 !

just wondering,


>    Hi,
>    you can do it without problem.
>    I have two classes for 
> one table.
>    Classes: Crm_cliente_masinfo, Crm_cliente_general
>    Ta
> (1)First xml descriptor.
> <!-- This repository file
>  is generated by the impart OJB Generator -->
> <!--           www.impart.
> ch [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        -->
> <!--        created at 9 Ju
> l 2003 11:37:50 GMT                     -->
> <class-descriptor 
> class="com.indra.crm.vo.Crm_cliente_masinfo"
>   table="CRM_CLIENTE"
> >
>   <field-descriptor id="66"
>     name="ln_id_cliente"
>     column=
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>     primarykey="true"
>       aut
> oincrement="true"
>       sequence-name="sec_cliente"
>   />
>   <field-descr
> iptor id="73"
>     name="ds_url"
>     column="DS_URL"
>     jdbc-typ
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="74"
>     name="ts_coment
> ario"
>     column="TS_COMENTARIO"
>     jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
>   <
> field-descriptor id="79"
>     name="ln_facturacion"
>     column="LN
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id=
> "80"
>     name="mn_nu_empleados"
>     column="MN_NU_EMPLEADOS"
>     j
> dbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="81"
>     name="mn
> _nu_fact_emp"
>     column="MN_NU_FACT_EMP"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="82"
>     name="sn_movil_emp"
>     colum
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor 
> id="83"
>     name="sn_nu_sedes"
>     column="SN_NU_SEDES"
>     jdbc
> -type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="84"
>     name="sn_nu
> _sedes_hfc"
>     column="SN_NU_SEDES_HFC"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>  />
>   <field-descriptor id="85"
>     name="ln_potencial_total"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-
> descriptor id="86"
>     name="ln_potencial_fijo"
>     column="LN_PO
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id=
> "87"
>     name="ln_potencial_movil"
>     column="LN_POTENCIAL_MOVIL"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="88"
>     name=
> "ln_potencial_datos"
>     column="LN_POTENCIAL_DATOS"
>     jdbc-type=
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="89"
>     name="ln_potencial_
> fijo_emp"
>     column="LN_POTENCIAL_FIJO_EMP"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER
> "
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="90"
>     name="ln_potencial_datos_em
> p"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   /
> >
>   <field-descriptor id="91"
>     name="ln_potencial_movil_emp"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <
> field-descriptor id="92"
>     name="sn_id_usuario_alta"
>     column=
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descripto
> r id="93"
>     name="dt_fh_alta"
>     column="DT_FH_ALTA"
>     jdbc
> -type="TIMESTAMP"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="94"
>     name="sn_
> id_usuario_mod"
>     column="SN_ID_USUARIO_MOD"
>     jdbc-type="INTEG
> ER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="95"
>     name="dt_fh_mod"
>     col
> umn="DT_FH_MOD"
>     jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor
>  id="96"
>     name="sn_id_usuario_baja"
>     column="SN_ID_USUARIO_
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="97"
>   name="dt_fh_baja"
>     column="DT_FH_BAJA"
>     jdbc-type="TIMEST
> AMP"
>   />
> </class-descriptor>
> (2) Second xml descriptor
> <!-- 
> This repository file is generated by the impart OJB Generator -->
> <!--  
>          www.impart.ch [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        -->
> <!--   
>      created at 9 Jul 2003 11:37:50 GMT                     -->
> <c
> lass-descriptor 
>   class="com.indra.crm.vo.Crm_cliente_general"
>   tab
> >
>   <field-descriptor id="66"
>     name="ln_id_c
> liente"
>     column="LN_ID_CLIENTE"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>     pri
> marykey="true"
>       autoincrement="true"
>       sequence-name="sec_cliente"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="67"
>     name="ds_nb_cliente"
>     co
> lumn="DS_NB_CLIENTE"
>     jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
>   <field-descrip
> tor id="68"
>     name="ss_cif"
>     column="SS_CIF"
>     jdbc-type=
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="69"
>     name="sn_lv_tipo_cl
> iente"
>     column="SN_LV_TIPO_CLIENTE"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   /
> >
>   <field-descriptor id="70"
>     name="sn_lv_estado"
>     column=
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id=
> "71"
>     name="sn_id_gestor_asignado"
>     column="SN_ID_GESTOR_ASIG
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="72"
>   name="sc_gran_cliente"
>     column="SC_GRAN_CLIENTE"
>     jdbc-type
> ="CHAR"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="74"
>     name="ln_jefe_proye
> cto"
>     column="LN_JEFE_PROYECTO"
>     jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
>  <field-descriptor id="76"
>     name="ms_id_migracion"
>     column=
>     jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor i
> d="77"
>     name="ms_id_codigo_amena"
>     column="MS_ID_CODIGO_AME
> NA"
>     jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="78"
> name="ms_id_codigo_auna_tlc"
>     column="MS_ID_CODIGO_AUNA_TLC"
>  jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="92"
>     name="
> sn_id_usuario_alta"
>     column="SN_ID_USUARIO_ALTA"
>     jdbc-type="
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="93"
>     name="dt_fh_alta"
>    column="DT_FH_ALTA"
>     jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
>   />
>   <field-des
> criptor id="94"
>     name="sn_id_usuario_mod"
>     column="SN_ID_US
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="95
> "
>     name="dt_fh_mod"
>     column="DT_FH_MOD"
>     jdbc-type="TIM
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="96"
>     name="sn_id_usuario_b
> aja"
>     column="SN_ID_USUARIO_BAJA"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="97"
>     name="dt_fh_baja"
>     column="DT_
>     jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="98
> "
>     name="ln_id_cliente_padre"
>     column="LN_ID_CLIENTE_PADRE"
>     jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
>   <field-descriptor id="99"
>     name=
> "ss_mig_cif_aunatlc"
>     column="SS_MIG_CIF_AUNATLC"
>     jdbc-type=
>   />
> </class-descriptor>
> (3) My repository.xml
> <?xm
> l version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- defining entities for includ
> e-files -->
> <!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository SYSTEM "repository.dtd" [
> <!ENTITY CRM_CLIENTE_GENERAL SYSTEM "crm_cliente_repositorio_general.xml"
> >
>       <!ENTITY CRM_CLIENTE_MASINFO SYSTEM "crm_cliente_repositorio_masinfo.
> xml">
> ]>
> <!-- This is a sample metadata repository for the ObJectBridge
>  System.
>      Use this file as a template for building your own mappin
> gs-->
> <!-- defining entities for include-files -->
> <descriptor-reposito
> ry isolation-level="read-committed" version="1.0">
>       <!-- The Default
>  JDBC Connection. If a class-descriptor does not specify its own JDBC Con
> nection,
>      the Connection specified here will be used. -->
>       <jdbc-
> connection-descriptor dbalias="thin:@IP:PORT:SID" useAutoCommit="2" d
> efault-connection="true" driver="com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver" jc
> d-alias="" jdbc-level="2.0" password="CRM_AGC" platform="Oracle" 
> protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="oracle" username="CRM_AGC">
>               <connec
> tion-pool logAbandoned="true" maxActive="1" maxIdle="1" maxWait="
> 5000" removeAbandoned="true"  />
>               <sequence-manager className="org.
> apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"/>
>       </jdbc-co
> nnection-descriptor>
>       <!-- Enlace que apunta a CRM_USUARIO -->
>       <!-- This repository file is gen
> erated by the impart OJB Generator -->
>       <!--           www.impart.ch inf
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        -->
>       <!--        created at 8 Jul 200
> 3 08:50:17 GMT                     -->
> </descriptor-repository>
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:AndreasWues
> Enviado el: viernes, 08 de agosto de 2003 12:13
> Para: ojb-use
> Asunto: one table -> multiple classes problem
> Hi, 
> i have table that looks like : 
> table order (
>  id,
>  orderid, 
>  ..
> ..
>  sender_name,
>  sender_street, 
>  ....
>  recipient_name,
>  recipient_
> street,
>  ..
> )
> each order consists of some order data, the sender add
> ress and the recipient
> address.
> at the moment i have an order class tha
> t contains the sender and the
> recipient class (the
> sender and recipient
>  class is basically a class that contains only the
> addresses).
> class 
> order
> {
>   public Long id;
>   public Long orderId;
>   public SenderAddre
> ss sender;
>   public RecipientAddress recipient;
> }  
> is it possible t
> o load the order object and also load the sender and
> recipient informati
> on
> in the proper classes in the order object ? I could not find any info
> rmation
> on how to 
> do that in the documentation.
> Unfortunately, norm
> alizing the table is not possible.
> Any help is really appreciated.
> Thanks in advance, 
>   Andreas  
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