
I´ve must be really stupid but, after read tutorials, eMails, source code...
I´ve not be able to run my 1:m code.

Two classes A and B, with A <--- B relation (1:m)

public class A
   private int id;
   private DList listB;
   private String name;

   public void A()
      listB = new DListImpl()  <---- is this correct or must be use

public class B
   private int id;
   private int idA;
   private A   a;

In repository.xml must I put a reference-descriptor in class-descriptor for
class B?

<reference-descriptor name="a" classref="es.jgm.docmanager.db.empresa.A">
                        <foreignkey field-ref="idA"/>

In collection-descriptor for class A I´ve put

1) I create a new A object and store in DB using ODMG api.
2) I create a DList using odmg.newDList();
3) Retrieve all B objcets from DB
4) Iterate from all B objects and put the A id in B idA
5) Set list.add( b ) for each iteration
6) Add list in A using setListB( list )
7) Store A

Nothing happends.

I´ve tried without 4) point´, I´ve tried to put B.setA( a ) in point 4),
I´ve tried both ( setIdA() and setA() ) in point 4)

I´ve tried to clean the cache before, during, after to obtain de objects (A
and B-collection) from database.

Nothing happends.

I´ve using ojb rc4, jdk 1.4.1_01, MySql.

Any idea?

Jose Galiana

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