
If you could send your ZIP to me as well, I would greatly appreciate it: 

Many thanks,

Michael Becke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
22.08.2003 21:11
Bitte antworten an "OJB Users List"

        An:     OJB Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Thema:  Re: Antwort: Re: Configure OJB in WAS Testenvironment

It looks like the zip was stripped.  Oliver, Lasse, I will it send again 
to you directly.  If anyone else would like the zip please let me know.


Michael Becke wrote:

> Oliver, Lasse,
> I'm using WebSphere 4 with DB2.  I have had to make a few changes to get 

> everything working but all seems okay now.  Here's what I'm doing:
> - repository_database.xml (included in zip)
> - datasource config from web.xml:
> <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1053700341519">
>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/sqmsdev</res-ref-name>
>     <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>     <res-auth>CONTAINER</res-auth>
> </resource-ref>
> - Sample class-descriptor:
>     <class-descriptor
>         class="ReportTypeImpl"
>         table="SQMS_FIELD.REPORT_TYPE">
>       <field-descriptor
>          name="id"
>          column="REPORT_TYPE_ID"
>          jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>          primarykey="true"
>          autoincrement="true"
>          access="readonly"
>       />
>       <field-descriptor
>          name="name"
>          column="REPORT_TYPE"
>          jdbc-type="CHAR"
>       />
>     </class-descriptor>
> - OJB.properties (included in zip).
> - Patch for PlatformDb2Impl (included in zip).  This adds support for 
> getLastInsertIdentityQuery() in DB2. I have submitted a request in Jira 
> for this one.
> - Patch for SequenceManagerNativeImpl (included in zip).  The change to 
> afterStore() is required if any tables do not have identity fields.
> setReferenceFKs() has been commented out, as it causes errors.  It 
> should probably be fixed, but I haven't spent the time to figure it out.
> Enjoy,
> Mike
>> Hi Oliver, all,
>> I'm experiencing similar problems with the Websphere AS (pooling with 
>> Websphere, not OJB). Does anybody have a working example of a 
>> Websphere/OJB installation (properties-file, modified RC4 sources?) 
>> and some example query code (including the JNDI lookup part)?
>> Regards
>> Lasse
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