Hi guys/gals,

I've got a problem that I'd like to solve, and at the same time I'd like
to evaluate OJB as a potential solution moving forward in a project I'm
using.  Anyway here' my issue.

I've got a simple socket listener that listens for message from an HL7
message server.  The listener simple takes the message an throws it on a
queue, which is just a table in an Oracle database.  There are a couple
of fields, but the important field is the actual message, which can
simple be represented in Java using a String.  Saying that, the message
can be larger than 4K.  The Oracle JDBC drivers seem to have a problem
with anything larger than 4k. So, here's my question:

I could break up the message and fire them into multiple records and
rebuild them on subsequent reads. Or, I could use a CLOB type and fire
the whole thing in.  Now, initial tests tell me that using the CLOB on
anything > 4K is still troublesome. Does OJB deal with this?  If not,
I'm guessing that I could still use OJB by breaking up the message in a
message class that'd look something like this:

class Message
        BigDecimal id;
        Message child;
        Message parent
        String value;
        int status;

The table would simple have a unique sequence id, the CLOB or VARCHAR
message, and parent and child foreign keys.  I'm guessing that this is a
simple map for OJB?  Does anyone see any limitations?  

One thing I don't quite understand is how to deal with the id using
sequences using OJB.  Is there anything special I'd need to do?


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