Hello Jan,

since the NPE is due to missing fields in the metadata,
I assume that a workaround is to add field-descriptors.

see below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Berkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> <class-descriptor
>     class="cabane.templates.Template"
>     table="TEMPLATES"
>  >

Please try to add a field descriptor here and see what 

>     <extent-class class-ref="cabane.templates.BaseTemplate"/>
>     <extent-class class-ref="cabane.templates.MailTemplate"/>
> </class-descriptor>
> <class-descriptor
>     class="cabane.templates.BaseTemplate"
>     proxy="dynamic"
>  >
>     <extent-class class-ref="cabane.templates.MailTemplate"/>

Please try to add a field descriptor here and see what 


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