Hi martin
what i wrote is that in mine case that i had a field that it was primary-key
in the table and  i forgot to write it in xml file.
[ ]´s

To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Query returns only identical instances

Hi Cesar,
could elaborate on your answer, please? It is absolutely unclear for me what
you mean by your answer. I figured that you meant that there was no primary
key definded for the table. This was really the case. But changing this fact
unfortunately did not help. Did you mean something else?

Best regards, Martin.

> This problem happened with me
> I had forgotten to a field as primary-key
>    [ ]´s
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 4:19 PM
> Subject: Query returns only identical instances
> Hi everyone,
> I'm absolutely puzzled by the following problem: if I execute a query with
> field vorgangsnummer as criteria, like this:
> Criteria lCriteria = new Criteria();
> lCriteria.addEqualTo("vorgangsnummer", new Long(pVorgangsnummer));
> Query lQuery = new QueryByCriteria(Data.class, lCriteria);
> Collection lResult = getBroker().getCollectionByQuery(lQuery);
> , I get a collection filled with identical objects that's count is as high
> as the count of records for this query.
> In repository.xml the mapping is defined as follows:
> <class-descriptor class="org.my.company.Data" table="daten"
> isolation="read-uncomitted">
>       <field-descriptor name="vorgangsnummer" column="vorgangsnummer"
> jdbc-type="BIGINT"/>
>       <field-descriptor n
ame="nutzer" column="nutzer" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
> nullable="false"/>
>       <field-descriptor name="meldungsTyp" column="meldungstyp"
> jdbc-type="VARCHAR" nullable="false" primarykey="true"/>
>       <field-descriptor name="auftragsNr" column="auftrags_nr"
> jdbc-type="BIGINT" nullable="false" primarykey="true"/>
> </class-descriptor>
> I'm leaving out some fields. The really interesting thing is that if I
> define 'jdbc-type' as INTEGER for field 'auftragsNr' the returned objects
> are
> absolutely okay. So for example instead of getting ten times the same
> instance of
> 'Data' I get ten different instances representing the ten different
> records
> >from the table 'daten'.
> The Java type in class 'Data' is declared as long.  The records only
> differ
> in the values of the field 'auftragsNr'.  I am using an Oracle-DBMS. From
> searching the archives I have seen similar problems occuring when using
> JBoss.
> This is not the case here. I'm running a standalone application.
> Any ideas?
> Regards, Martin.

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