I'm trying to modify the default jdbcconnectiondescriptor at runtime.
I do this by change the PersistenceBrokerFactory implementation to my custom
class, which extends PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl and adds a static
part like this:

        static {
                List descriptors =
                for (Iterator iter = descriptors.iterator();
iter.hasNext();) {
                        JdbcConnectionDescriptor desc =
(JdbcConnectionDescriptor) iter.next();
                        if (desc.isDefaultConnection()) {

        private static void changeDescriptor(JdbcConnectionDescriptor desc)
                // modifies the descriptor
                String dbname = Props.getString("dbname");
                String dbhost = Props.getString("dbhost");
                String dbalias = "//" + dbhost + "/" + dbname;
                log.debug("changeDescriptor - setting dbAlias : " +

                // do this for username, password etc. 

there is no problem with this all the properties are set. But it seems that
another operation resets the dbalias, because I get the following error:
        Error getting Connection from DriverManager with url
(jdbc:postgresql:) and driver (org.postgresql.Driver)

I'm using 1.0 rc4.

Any ideas?

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