Hi Martin,

Martin Dengler wrote:
hi @all,

i am an "ojb newbie"; any help is appreciated concerning the following questions:

1. ojb supports the definition of more than one jdbc-connection descriptor
element at repository.xml; - does that mean, that persistent data could be stored across more than one
physical database server?


- how about distributed transactions? does ojb implement a "2-phase-commit"
transaction service?

No, we do not implement our own transaction service. This would go much beyond the original scope of our project.

if not, is it possible to use an external JTS-compatible
transaction manager, provided by a J2EE Container?

Yes, that's the recommended way to go. In OJB properties you can set up your specific environment. E.G: ... ConnectionFactoryClass= org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl



2. the docu says: "OJB does connection pooling per default, expect for
- does that mean, that OJB can be used with external managed connection
pooling (e.g. j2ee container connection pooling)?


- how do i specify in repository.xml, whether a connection is of type
datasource or not?

!-- Datasource example --> <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="default" default-connection="true" platform="Sapdb" jdbc-level="2.0" jndi-datasource-name="java:DefaultDS" username="sa" password="" eager-release="true" batch-mode="false" useAutoCommit="0" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false" >

    <sequence-manager className=

Doku is here: http://db.apache.org/ojb/repository.html#jdbc-connection-descriptor


thanx for helpin


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