I am doing something very similar to what you are trying to do...
Here's how I addressed the problem:
I have a series of Objects that map to the db tables (I call them data objects).
I also have a series of Objects (i call them view objects, almost exact duplicates of 
the data Objects) that I use to send information back and forth from the data tier to 
the web (form) tier.

Let's say I want to edit a Person object with id 12345.
I do an OJB query with id 12345...
I convert this Person object into a view object so that I can display/modify in a view 
(a jsp page/form).
when I press "submit" to save the changes, i collect the information from the jsp form 
into a person view and send it to the persistence layer..
the persistence layer then queries OJB for the data object with id 12345. I lock the 
object and copy attributes from the view object into the data object. at the end, I 
close the transaction.

This is the best architecture I could come up with... This may not be *the absolute 
best* but it works for my needs.

Axel Guerrero

-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Boisaubert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:30 AM
Subject: Changing object properties outside the transaction ...

About using/design with ODMG API :

Generally I want to get a domain (business) object from the persistence layer. Then I 
use it in my app (webapp), modify it and when modification are validated, update it in 
the persistent storage.
I use a class for persistence actions (CRUD) like this :

class BookPersistence {

 static BookPersistence getInstance() {...}
 Book getBook(String bookId) { ...}
 void storeBook(Book b)  { ...}
 void deleteBook(Book b)  { ...}
 void updateBook(Book b)  { ...}

And I use it like this :
Book b = new Book();

And :
Book b1 = BookPersistence.getInstance().getBook("bookID");

Whith an update method like this :

public void updateBook(Book b) {
 tx.lock(myBook , Transaction.WRITE); 

It doesn work 'cause book is modified outside the transaction and OJB doesn't 
"monitor" it (I think).

Same things with :

public void updateBook(Book b) {
 OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
 query.create("select book from "+ Book.class.getName()+ " where code=\""+ 
b.getCode()+ "\"");
 DList results = (DList) query.execute();
 Book myBook = (Book) results.get(0);
 tx.lock(myBook , Transaction.WRITE);

But I can't open a transaction during all the modification time of my object and 
commit at the end, isn't it ?
If I use this object in a webapp (modification by a form), I must wait all the 
validation (and request, validation, ...) before commiting. It retains lock during 
this time (even if I use optimistic locking, a long time transaction can desynchronize 
data with multiple users).
And I've got to add Transaction demarcation in my business process code.

So I try to declare the object dirty in my transaction like this :

public void updateBook(Book b) {
 tx.lock(b, Transaction.WRITE); 

It works but it's not a standardized process (the makeDirty() of TransactionImpl 
object is not part of ODMG API and force db calls even if the object is not modified).

So what's the solution ? Am I obliged to modify the object properties inside the 
transaction ? Do I use bad patterns ? Is there any trick ?


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