
Yes; removeFromCache will remove the weak reference to the object and make it eligble for garbage collection.

Jair da Silva Ferreira Júnior wrote:

        Customer c=new Customer();
        transaction.lock(c,transaction.WRITE); //persist the new customer

        //after some time someone changes Customer's name to "new customer"
directly in the database
        Customer c=loadCustomer(); // loads the customer persisted before
from cache
        Order o=new Order();
        cache.reloadObject(c); //reload object data from database
        boolean referenceOk=(c==o.getCustomer()); // I wanted referenceOk to
be true

To me, it looks like you could just flip the order of setting the Customer reference in Order and do:

Customer c=loadCustomer();      // loads the customer persisted before
cache.reloadObject(c);          // reload object data from database
Order o=new Order();

I cant't tell from your example wether cache.reloadObject(c) returns a new pointer or mutates the input parameter. If it is not mutating you could pick up the newly loaded object reference as return value and do:

Customer c=loadCustomer();
c = cache.reloadObject(c);
Order o=new Order();

Also, have a look at the "auto-retrieve" and "refresh" attributes in the repository file to tweak how a Customer-reference from an Order should be updated when re-loading the whole Order.

In one of our applications we have wrapped load-operations to be:
1. remove from cache
2. get object by query

Any reference- or collection-descriptors in step 2 have @refresh="true" in the repository and will be reloaded as well (provided that you follow reference-descriptors and remove them from cache too in step 1). Or you could just follow Armin Waibel's instructions about clearing the whole cache if you would like _all_ objects to be reloaded.

Martin Kalén
Curalia AB              Web:  http://www.curalia.se
Orrspelsvägen 2B        Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SE-182 79  Stocksund    Tel:  +46-8-410 064 40

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