This looks like a runtime error not a compile time error.

This exception means, as you guessed, that either you forgot to enhance the class (with the sun reference enhancer), or the enhancer tried and failed (you should get messages if it fails). Alternately, you have inadvertently tried to get an extent of some other class that isn't supposed to be persistant.

Do you get any error messages during enhancement?

Also, as always, check that your app is really getting re-deployed properly, and you arn't seeing errors from an old version that is still running. I use the Tomcat Manager App's Ant tasks for this, so I don't have to worry about making sure I delete the warfiles, and the expanded warfile, and I don't need to worry about whatever is in the work directory.

Also, you can eliminate repository_junit.xml and repository_internal.xml (and thier references in repository.xml)

I'm not sure how anything is working unless you have flattened the directory structure in your listing of files... the standard web ap directory structure is:

|           +--classes/     <<< all class files in package dirs,
|           |                  repository.xml & .dtd ,
|           |         plus
|           |                  package.jdo/classname.jdo files
|           |                  in appropriate dirs
|           +--lib/         <<< All library jars here
|           |                  (db-ojb-1.0.rc4.jar, jdo.jar etc)
|           +--web.xml

Sourcefiles for your classes are not needed anywhere, and can be ommited. Taglib descriptor (.tld) files can go anywhere, as long as your pages specify their location correctly. I tend to put mine in /WEB-INF/lib.

Hope some of this helps, please create a new thread instead of replying to an existing one next time you have a new question. The way you did it you will only get seen by people who think "Newbie questions... please help" is an interesting subject, or who do not view thier mail as threads.You probably want the widest possible audience ;)


Sebastian Münch wrote:


we are in the middle of developing a small application using the jdo api on
ojb. The
tutorials are running fine, now we wanna setup our own app. By compiling our
we get the following error:

[JDO] DEBUG: OjbStoreConnector.begin: connectionReadyForRelease=false javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Class given to getExtent does not implement javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable at com.sun.jdori.common.PersistenceManagerImpl.getExtent(Unknown Source) at com.sun.jdori.common.query.QueryImpl.checkCandidates(Unknown Source) at com.sun.jdori.common.query.QueryImpl.execute(Unknown Source) at at test.TestApp.main( Exception in thread "main" javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Cannot close PersistenceManager while transaction is still active. at com.sun.jdori.common.PersistenceManagerImpl.close(Unknown Source)

at com.sun.jdori.common.PersistenceManagerWrapper.close(Unknown
at test.TestApp.main(

Our persistent class is HJSTest. We applied the HSJTest.jdo to our
Userclass. The
following files are located In our project directory:

HSJTest.jdo TestApp.class Test_ClassDescriptor.xml Test_ConnectionDescriptor.xml Test_Repository.xml cache.ccf jdo.dtd repository.dtd repository.xml repository_database.xml repository_ejb.xml repository_internal.xml repository_jdo.xml repository_junit.xml repository_user.xml test/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Our source code including compiled files are located in the test/ directory.

We believe, that there is a problem with the Enhancer, adding the
PersistenceCapable -
Interface to our Class. Can anybody help us on that sibject?

Jing, Holger, Sebastian

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