Hi Antonio,

that's ok, I made these strict settings to detect possible resource leaks (don't panic I think we haven't). See

Maybe it's better to change log level to 'info' before rc5 ;-)

The problem is when you obtain a RsIterator instance and start with iteration but cancel (stop) iteration before end the RsIterator couldn't close the StatementAndResultSet instance.

I like to add RsIterator as a weak "close PB or close connection" listener. Then RsIterator can close resources on 'close' event. If you don't close the PB instance, only way to free resources is gc.

Any other/better solution?


Antonio Gallardo wrote:

I am getting this type of errors. I review the code and saw that we close
the broker on every transaction.

Can someone tell me why I am getting this errors?

[org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.RsIterator] WARN: Found unclosed
resources while finalize (causer class:

[org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ResultSetAndStatement] ERROR: **
Associated resources (Statement/ResultSet) not closed! This could lead in
leaking resources **

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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