Dear all,

After a long time of preparation we finally managed to assemble a new release of OJB.

We fixed a lot of bugs and we also improved the performance for all APIs.

This is the last release candidate for 1.0. If no major bugs are detected within the next two weeks this release will be relabled as 1.0.
We will provide a maintenance branch to provide those users with fixes who wish to stay with a frozen 1.0 version. No new features will be implemented in the maintenance branch.

All new features and enhancements will be made in a new 1.1 branch.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen!

from the release notes:

ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that
provides transparent transactional persistence for Java Objects against
relational databases. OJB provides ODMG and JDO interfaces.

Release 1.0 rc5

This is the last planned rc before the 1.0 release. If there are no major
bugs this release will be relabled as 1.0 after two weeks.

- With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release!
For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.

- slight changes in repository.dtd, were made

- internal kernel interface method signature changed:
in JdbcAccess two method signatures change
in StatementManagerIF one method signature change
These changes are necessary to fix a "design bug" in handling
of jdbc type metadata. See discussion on dev-list "[VOTE] Design bug fixed - check in?"

- ObjectCache implementation classes constructor arguments change. We
now pass a Properties argument too. Allows to set configuration properties
for each ObjectCache instance

- changed the JDORI plugin to now use the latest 1.0.1 version of the JDO reference implementation.

- OJB is now very strict in handling RsIterator instances. RsIterator is
bound very closely to the used PersistenceBroker instance.
Thus if you do a
call, the current <tt>RsIterator</tt> instance resources will be cleaned up automatic
and invalidate current instance.

- add possibility to declare ObjectCache implementation on class-descriptor
and jdbc-connection-descriptor level (means per class and per database connection) too

- add a new interface called org.apache.ojb.odmg.TransactionExt
to make additional proprietary methods available for user by
casting org.odmg.Transaction to TransactionExt

- behaviour of org.odmg.Transaction#checkpoint() changed. Now the
database transaction was commited when checkpoint was called, seems this
is more in unison with ODMG spec:
" Calling checkpoint commits persistent object modifications made within the
transaction since the last checkpoint to the database."
If you want to flush persistent object
modifications made within the ODMG transaction to the underlying database
transaction without commit the changes (old behaviour of checkpoint()),
please cast Transaction to TransactionExt and use new method flush().

- make odmg collections pluggable via file

- Restructuring and further enhancements of the documentation.


Please refer to our Bug tracking site under to see details for a bug
with id OJBxxx.

- fix ClassLoader problem when merging DescriptorRepository instances

- fixed the JDORI problems with loading object via extend based queries.
now objects are brought under JDO control and equipped with a statemanager
in the load process.

enJoy the new release, Thomas

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