Hi Raghaven,

don't use primitve types for FK, PK fields in your pc classes if you do (null/0 problem).
Think you can't use anonymous access for group_id field-descriptor, because Member ask for group_id values.


Kollivakkam R. Raghavan wrote:

I have a situation where I have a 1-n relation between a group and its
members.  The members are created independently and get assigned to a
group later (hence the null group id in member).  I have the matching
reference descriptor to the Group class in Member and a collection
descriptor for the Members in the group.

Table Member
   id int primary key
   name varchar(32) not null
   group_id int,
   foreign key group_id references group(id)

Table Group
    id int primary key
    name varchar(32)

Here's the problem: When I add a member to the table with no group object reference, it sets the group_id field to 0 (which is not correct - I want it to be null). In order to get around this, I set the access="anonymous" attribute on the reference descriptor as well as the primary keys and was able to get the null into the group id like I wanted but after the insert of the member instance no longer has the new primary key (which is set to autoincrement using HiLow Seq. manager) field set which is a problem. It seems that I have a problem whichever method I choose. Is this true, or am I doing something wrong? Seems like a pretty basic thing to me so I'm sure the problem is on my side.

I'm using rc4 and HSQL


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