Hi Sebastian,

Did you read http://db.apache.org/ojb/tutorial3.html#Setting%20Load,%20Update,%20and%20Delete%20Cascading ?

You encounter the interference of two features here: the cascading operations feature and the removal-aware collection.

1. If you remove a Child and then delete the parent, The cascade feature does only delete those elements currently present in the collection.

2. If you remove a child and then store the parent, the removal aware collection notices that the removed child should be removed in the db too.

ALthough this all works as designed, I have to admit that it may be a bit confusing.
Maybe it would be more consistent, if we would change the semantics of 1. as follows:
If you remove a Child and then delete the parent, the cascading feature deletes the childs currently present in the collection and all removed child objects?


Sebastian wrote:
I just discoverd the following behavior and I'm not sure if that works a
s designed. I'm using RC5.

That's the situation:

Class Parent
   int ID;
   RemovalAwareCollection childs = new RemovalAwareCollection();

   void removeChild(Child c)

   void addChild(Child c)

Class Child
   int ID;
   int parentID;

the Parent's collection descriptor for the childs property:
auto-retrieve="true" auto-delete="true" auto-update="true"
refresh="true" name="childs"


  <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="parentID"/>

The problem:
When I add a child to the parent and store the parent, the child is also
written to the database. BUT when I then remove the child from the
parent's child collection and immediately delete the parent, the child
stays in the database table. On the opposite, when I store the parent
after I removed the child and then delete it the child is gone too.

This doesn't:
   Parent p = new Parent();
   Child c = new Child();
   //--> now the child is still in the table

This works:
   Parent p = new Parent();
   Child c = new Child();

So my question is: is it ok the way OJB behaves or not?

Thanks in advance,

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