On the tutorial type -- thank you! I just fixed in OJB_1_0 and HEAD =)

On the ODMG markDirty / store thing... I don't know for sure, but there is a potential for lost updates when using markDirty(...). The practice I have had recommended, and use, is to just re-query it by identity in the bounds of a transaction and make the changes, rather than modifying a persistent object outside of a transaction and forcing changes back in.


On Jan 7, 2004, at 5:49 AM, Daniel Perry wrote:

I was just reading the tutorial on the PB API, and came accross a slight error:
In the "Deleting Persistent Objects",
Should be:
broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();

One more thing, using ODMG i have been doing tx.markDirty(object) to update an object outside of a transaction. If i do a broker.store(object) outside of a transaction will this have the same effect?


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