
I reported the same issue some months ago...
The problem lies in the support for primitive data types, since a primitive type cannot be null, the value 0 is interpreted as null.
It seems that non primitive data types also react the same way (even if they shouldn't, so from my point of view it is a bug)

Fetching an object with ID = 0 works, however OJB will handle the 0 value as null and put the next sequence value into the fetched object on next store or when calling a PeristenceBroker.retrieveAllReferencies( Object obj )

The workaround is to never use IDs = 0 and this is actually what I am doing ;)



It looks like OJB cannot fetch correctly records which have a BigInt primary
key with value 0; at least in the following conditions;

- I'm using RC5

- Have a table (here Locations) with a primary key Id with a auto-increment

- I'm using Oracle 9.2

- The table has a 1-N collection using a proxy.

For instance, I have the following mapping:

<class-descriptor class="Locations" table="LOCATIONS">

<field-descriptor name="id" column="ID"

jdbc-type="BIGINT" primarykey="true"



            <field-descriptor name="latitude" column="LATITUDE"

            <field-descriptor name="longitude" column="LONGITUDE"


<collection-descriptor name="collElements"

element-class-ref="Elements" proxy="true">

<inverse-foreignkey field-ref="locationid"/>



Now in the database, there is a location with Id=0.

When I use OJB to fetch this record (with a criteria on Id=0), the resulting
instance is correct except for the Id field which has the next sequence

Tracing the code, what happens is when the query is executed:

-          RsIterator.getObjectFromResultSet reteive the simple fields

- As there is a collection, retrieveCollections is called

- The query to retrieve the collection is built: Query fkQuery =
getFKQuery(obj, cld, cds);

- This retrieves the PK fields values (getFKQuery1toN ) which
indirectly calls getValuesForObject

-          When the value for the Id is retrieved (getAutoIncrementValue),
it is considered as Null (BrokerHelper.isNull) and thus the sequence is

Can this be considered a bug?

Are there any workarounds?



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