Hi Brian,

Brian Sam-Bodden wrote:
   Could you give us a short and sweet version of how OJB came to be?


Ok, here it goes.
After working with several proprietary o/r layers I finally got the chance to work with ODMG compliant OO databases (POET and Objectivity) in a project.
I was impressed how much time I safed without all the complicated and error prone database access stuff. I was able to implement a persistent XML DOM within 2 days!

Unfortunately our DBAs refused to support OO databases.

So I thought that it would be a good idea to use an O/R mapping layer that provides a complete OO (i.e. ODMG or JDO) view to the application developer but still uses an RDBMS in the backend to make the DBAs happy.

At that time (mid of 2000) I was not able to find a commercial or opensource tool that met our requirements. So I started to work on a very simple prototype that should be used to convince our management that such a beast was quite useful to have.
Unfortunately the whole project was stopped.

I then uploaded my prototype to sourceforge as I thought "maybe this could still be useful to someone". (this prototype is still available at the OJB museum: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13647&package_id=11528&release_id=15024.
The next version already had the ODMG prototype: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13647&package_id=11528&release_id=15325).
I got encouraging responses and so we started the whole thing at sf.

After some time I was contacted by Jason van Zyl who invited me to present OJB to a meeting of the Torque group. They liked it and OJB was invited to join the Jakarta project.

The next big thing was the foundation of the db.apache.org subproject which was formed to coordinate all the database related activities at apache.

I hope that was short and sweet enough!



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