Hello, Philippe.

Thanks for the analysis and tip about the performance of ODMG in relation
to caching objects.  That is helpful.

I have a question for you about your little snippet...

>     PersistenceBroker broker = ((TransactionImpl) tx).getBroker();
>     A aDummyObject = new A();
>     aDummyObject.setId(id);
>     Query qry = new QueryByIdentity(aDummyObject);
>     A result = (A) broker.getObjectByQuery(qry);

On the OJB web site, it shows the following usage.

PersistenceBroker broker = ((HasBroker) tx).getBroker();

The use of "HasBroker" seems cleaner than "TransactionImpl" to me.  I know
that since 0.9.8 that classes have disappeared.  :-(  (I'm working on an
application that uses a closed-source third party library based on OJB
0.9.8; I know that classes have disappeared because I couldn't run the
application with OJB 1.0.)

You could also do this instead...

Identity identity = new Identity(aDummyObject);
A result = (A) broker.getObjectByIdentity(identity);

Is there any difference in behaviour betwen "getObjectByQuery" and
"getObjectByIdentity" when it comes to caching?  Or is it just a style
(using query vs. identity) preference?

Thanks again, Philippe.  I look forward to your reply.

"Philippe Hacquin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi Sean,
> I'm not an OJB-ODMG expert, but maybe I can help
> Sean Dockery wrote:
> > [...]
> >>1) The exception handling code is omitted from the examples for the
> >  of brevity.  Is the manner in which I'm handling exceptions correct?
> Take care of the following:
>          Transaction tx = implementation.newTransaction();
>          tx.begin();
>          try
>          {
>              ....
>              tx.commit();
>          }
>          catch (Throwable t)
>          {
>              tx.abort();
>              throw new DaoException(t);
>          }
> You may catch a TransactionAbortedException, which in this case will
> leave tx null, thus you will end with a NPE if you execute tx.abort()
> >>
> >>2) I've written my retrieval routine to use a persistence broker query.
> >>Using persistence broker queries in this manner is apparently faster.
> > a reply in another thread, I read...
> >>
> >>"Philippe Hacquin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >>news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >>
> >>>... and they are much more efficient, too, because they use the cache.
> >>
> >>This confuses me somewhat.  Does this mean that the ODMG personality of
> > OJB doesn't use caching?  Or do OQL queries bypass caching?
> I've recently made some performance tests, with p6spy and network traces
> to monitor the queries sent to the database. I am using ODMG in OJB 1.0
> RC4, too.
> Say you have a class A that has some properties, with at least the "id"
> property which is mapped to the primary key of your table (hence, you
> don't use anonymous keys).
> You want to get a reference to a persistent object using the id. So you
> write an OQL query like "select anInstance from " + A.class.getname() +
> "where id = \"" + id + "\""
> Well, you have to know this ODMG query will lead to a straight SQL query
> to the database, even if the object is already in the cache. But the
> cache will anyway be looked up after the SQL query, to check if the
> materialization process can be avoided. This process consumes some time,
> you can check that during some tests. So an ODMG query uses the cache,
> but does not use at 100%.
> To use the cache in an effectively manner, you have to use a PB query
> against the object Identity (well, this is what I deducted, if there is
> a more efficient way to do it with the default cache, I'd like to hear
> about it).
> This is the way I code it:
>     PersistenceBroker broker = ((TransactionImpl) tx).getBroker();
>     A aDummyObject = new A();
>     aDummyObject.setId(id);
>     Query qry = new QueryByIdentity(aDummyObject);
>     A result = (A) broker.getObjectByQuery(qry);
> This way the cache is looked up _before_ querying the DB.
> This was not obvious when I began using OJB, but should have if I had
> carefully read the "Object cache" documentation: the lookup() method
> takes an Identity instance as search key in the cache.
> Well, I supposed this was handled transparently in the ODMG
> implementation layer...

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