Hi All,

Having some issues with the object caching in OJB.  

Use case:
I need to make sure all objects come from the DB with in every test case
within my test suite.  


Using PB auto-update, auto-retrieve and auto-delete == true:
Start Tx.
Create A.
Create B.
Add B to A.
Commit tx.
Pb.removeFromCache on both A and B
Retrieve A.
Get B from A.
Assert(B != null) PASSES.
Assert(b.getA() != null) FAILS.

I as soon as remove the cache invalidation logic, the test passes.

This use case also breaks cascading delete of B's belonging to A.  Again,
removing the cache invalidation logic fixes the problem.

I tried using the empty cache but then the whole test just locks up.
Looking at EmptyCacheImpl, it appears to have no code that prevents circular
references as it says it does per the documentation.  So I guess this is why
the test locks using the empty cache.

| Scott T Weaver                 |
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            | 
| Apache Jetspeed Portal Project |
| Apache Pluto Portlet Container |

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