Hi all,

I use the OJB XDoclet module that comes from the current CVS (few days ago) to 
generate my OJB configuration files and SQL (I like it a lot). 

I have this attribute of type String that I want to store in a MySQL column that can 
handle large Strings (for example MEDIUMTEXT). I mapped the field like this:

* @ojb.field
* jdbc-type="LONGVARCHAR"
protected String text;

The SQL that it produces is:

"create table ... , text MEDIUMTEXT (24), ...."

The type MEDIUMTEXT is fine but mysql (and myself) doesn't like the "(24)". I looked 
in the ...-schema.xml. There it the XDoclet module has generated this definition for 
the text attribute.

<column name="text"

What can I do to prevent the OJB XDoclet module from generating the length part of the 
column definition.


Joris Wijlens

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