On Sunday 29 February 2004 19:24, David Le Strat wrote:
> When I update the NodeImpl with new nodeProperties (a
> collection), only the NodeImpl object gets updated and
> the nodeProperies are not created.
> I have done this in the past with PB with out any
> issues.  Any suggestions?
With auto-update="true" nodeProperties should be creates, whatever you use, 
PB or OTM. I've just done correspondent test with OTM, and all is okay.
So please send me code snippet or just try to do the same with PB.
OTM does nothing special when auto-update="true", it just calls 
broker.store(). If you set auto-update="false" and otm-dependent="true", then 
OTM itself will take care about creation and deletion of nodeProperties.


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