If I have a mapping of
Obj A
        contains one Obj B
        and a collection of Obj C

how do I tell ojb to insert table A before tables B or C?

I have foriegn key constraints that say A must exist before B can be
inserted, and A must exist before C can be inserted. (and the deletes need
to happen in the reverse order)

This must be very common for everyone, is there a trick to telling it what
order the inserts need to go?

-----Original Message-----
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:19 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: sequence manager help (order of inserts to avoid FK

McCaffrey, John G. wrote:
> I am using rc 4. i can't get to CVS because I am behind a firewall (and my
> manager only wants us to use the labled builds)
> I tried your suggestion to set the 
> primarykey=true, autoincrement="false" and access="readonly"
>   for my key (EVNT_RQST_ID)
> and got the exception 
> Assignment of a NULL value to a NOT NULL column "EVNT_RQST_ID" is not
> allowed.
> do you think that upgrading to rc 5 would help?

As I can remember there was a bug with autoincrement="false" handling, 
but I don't know when it was fixed. Give rc5 a change ;-)
We plan to release a new version end of this month (and final release 
one week later - if no major problem arise).

> Is there any other way I can tell OJB not to try to autoincrement the

Sorry, only possibility is to fix this in rc4 source code. See 

> I appreciate your help on this, I see that you are getting a thousand
> right now, and somehow you manage to answer them. Thanks!!

I try to confuse people with my "exceptional bad" english, nevertheless 
some people post again and again ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:39 PM
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: Re: sequence manager help (order of inserts to avoid FK
> problems)
> Hi again,
> did you try latest version from CVS? Latest version of PlatformDb2Impl 
> override method getLastInsertIdentityQuery and return the same query 
> string you use.
> If you don't want to use the sequence manager from OJB
> primarykey=true, autoincrement="false" and access="readonly" should work 
> (and do work with latest from CVS). What version of OJB do you use?
> regards,
> Armin
> McCaffrey, John G. wrote:
>>Almost there!
>>Ok, I just made the changes you suggested, and it is working, kinda.
>>I insert table A first (because that's where I get my Id from)
>>I assign the ID from A into B
>>then I go to insert table B
>>if I try to tell it that the primarykey=true  and autoincrement="false"
>>(beacause I don't want it to try to get the Identity from the DB for this
>>table, because it is not an Identity)
>>I get the exception 
>> org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerException: Field does
>>not support autoincrement, please check repository: null
>  >
>>so I set autoincrement="true" (just to see if that would work) and then it
>>works (Yay!) but I also see that it made the trip to the db to try to get
>>the Identity (because it thinks there is one for this table) and I would
>>like to avoid that unecessary trip (if possible).
>>Why does it get upset that autoincrement="false" ?
>>I had to make a custom getLastInsertIdentityQuery() because thats the only
>>way that I could get OJB to call the DB with the statement I need for DB2
>>the PlatformDb2Impl doesn't have anything in that method, so I had to
> extend
>>it and override.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:02 PM
>>To: OJB Users List
>>Subject: Re: sequence manager help (order of inserts to avoid FK
>>Hi John,
>>McCaffrey, John G. wrote:
>>>I have a DB generated Identity column for Table A and I am able to use
>>>to insert that object A and see what the identity is with a custom
>>>getLastInsertIdentityQuery() method. (Yay!)
>>Why you don't use SequenceManagerNativeImpl?
>>>I have a table B that is associated to Table A, but its ID is not
>>>When I insert into Table A and get the generated ID, I would like to
>>>into table B and use that same ID. 
>>>in my mapping for Table A I have a reference descriptor to Table B, with
>>>auto-XXX all true
>>You can't use auto-udate true in your case, because OJB needs the PK of 
>>B to set the FK in A before storing A (assume you declared an 1:1 
>>reference between A and B).
>>The SequenceManager interface contains two methods only for handle DB 
>>identity based key generation:
>>setReferenceFKs(Object obj, ClassDescriptor cld)
>>afterStore(JdbcAccess dbAccess, ClassDescriptor cld, Object
>>>If I try to insert Obj A that has an Obj B inside of it, it appears that
>>>tries to insert Obj B first. This will fail because the ID has not been
>>>generated yet.
>>>How can I get OJB to insert Obj A first, then assign that ID to Obj B ?
>>Think with your current solution it is only possible if you store all 
>>objects by hand and set auto-update false. Store B first then set FK in 
>>A and store A.
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