I am wondering why the methods getFieldRecursive() and
getNestedFieldRecursive() in class
AbstractPersistentField are private.  I would like to
have the ability to override them in a custom
persistent field implementation.

Here is my dilemma:

I have the following classes:

package ojb;

public interface IParent {
        IChild getChild();
        void setChild(IChild child);

package ojb;

public interface IChild {
        String getDescription();
        void setDescription(String description);

package ojb;

public class Parent implements IParent {
        private IChild child = null;
        public Parent() {

        public IChild getChild() {
                return child;

        public void setChild(IChild child) {
                this.child = child;


package ojb;

public class Child implements IChild {
        private String description = null;
        public Child() {

        public String getDescription() {
                return description;

        public void setDescription(String string) {
                description = string;


I have the following OJB metadata.
I am using a subclass of
PersistentFieldIntrospectorImpl.  The problem is that
when it tries to resolve “child::description,” it ends
up going through the “IChild getChild()” method
signature.  This causes it to analyze the fields of
IChild; of course there aren’t any, so it fails with a

If I could override methods getFieldRecursive() and
getNestedFieldRecursive(), I could substitute at run
time a class that implements IChild.

Any ideas?  I really need to return a reference to an
interface here, rather than to a concrete class, as
our design is heavily interface based.

Thanks again, Gary

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