Ah, thank you for posting the mappings.

Will need to nudge Armin on this, I haven't used joins to map extents before =(


On Apr 2, 2004, at 5:41 AM, Keith Rogers wrote:

Could you clarify what you mean by that?

Here is the relevent part of the config file:

<!-- USER -->
<class-descriptor class="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBUser" proxy="dynamic"
    <field-descriptor name="id" column="user_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
primarykey="true" autoincrement="true"/>
    <field-descriptor name="username" column="username"
    <field-descriptor name="password" column="password"
    <field-descriptor name="emailAddress" column="emailAddress"
    <field-descriptor name="userLevelId" column="level"
    <field-descriptor name="userStatusId" column="status"

    <reference-descriptor name="userLevel"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBUserLevel" auto-retrieve="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="userLevelId"/>

    <reference-descriptor name="userStatus"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBUserStatus" auto-retrieve="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="userStatusId"/>

<!-- PERSON -->
<class-descriptor class="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBPerson" proxy="dynamic"
    <field-descriptor name="id" column="user_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    <field-descriptor name="surname" column="surname"
    <field-descriptor name="forename" column="forename"
    <field-descriptor name="title" column="title"
    <field-descriptor name="preferredName" column="preferredName"
    <field-descriptor name="nationalInsuranceNumber"
column="nationalInsuranceNumber" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="sex" column="sex" jdbc-type="BIT"/>
    <field-descriptor name="daytimeTelephoneNumber"
column="daytimeTelephoneNumber" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="eveningTelephoneNumber"
column="eveningTelephoneNumber" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="mobileTelephoneNumber"
column="mobileTelephoneNumber" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="jobTitle" column="jobTitle"
    <field-descriptor name="driverNumber" column="driverNumber"
    <field-descriptor name="nextOfKinTitle" column="nextOfKinTitle"
    <field-descriptor name="nextOfKinSurname" column="nextOfKinSurname"
    <field-descriptor name="nextOfKinForename"
column="nextOfKinForename" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="nextOfKinRelationship"
column="nextOfKinRelationship" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="homeAddressId" column="homeAddress"
    <field-descriptor name="workAddressId" column="workAddress"
    <field-descriptor name="nextOfKinAddressId"
column="nextOfKinAddress" jdbc-type="INTEGER"/>

    <reference-descriptor name="homeAddress"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBAddress" auto-retrieve="true"
auto-update="true" auto-delete="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="homeAddressId"/>

    <reference-descriptor name="workAddress"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBAddress" auto-retrieve="true"
auto-update="true" auto-delete="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="workAddressId"/>

    <reference-descriptor name="nextOfKinAddress"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBAddress" auto-retrieve="true"
auto-update="true" auto-delete="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="nextOfKinAddressId"/>

    <reference-descriptor name="super"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBUser" auto-retrieve="true"
auto-update="true" auto-delete="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="id"/>

    <collection-descriptor name="qualifications"
element-class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBQualification" auto-insert="true"
        <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="userId"/>

<!-- STUDENT -->
<class-descriptor class="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBStudent" table="students">
    <field-descriptor name="id" column="user_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
    <field-descriptor name="notes" column="notes"

    <reference-descriptor name="super"
class-ref="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBPerson" auto-retrieve="true"
auto-update="true" auto-delete="true">
        <foreignkey field-ref="id"/>

<!-- ADDRESS -->
<class-descriptor class="com.mp.hato.ojb.OJBAddress" proxy="dynamic"
    <field-descriptor name="id" column="uid" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
primarykey="true" autoincrement="true"/>
    <field-descriptor name="line1" column="LINE1"
    <field-descriptor name="line2" column="LINE2"
    <field-descriptor name="town" column="TOWN" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
    <field-descriptor name="postcode" column="POSTCODE"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/01/04 06:42PM >>>
Does the table OJBStudent is mapped to have the column? OJB is smart
about only querying on tables that define attributes across extents.

How are these classes mapped and what does the schema look like?


On Apr 1, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Keith Rogers wrote:

I have a hierachy of classes that goes like this:


the user has a property called userStatus, which is a reference to
another table.
What I'm trying to do is get a list of students with a particular

When I do the query for users like this:

select ojbs from com.mp.hato.OJBUser where userStatus=1

It works fine. However, when I try

select ojbs from com.mp.hato.OJBStudent where userStatus=1

I get a message

java.sql.SQLException: Column not found, message from server:
column 'userStatus' in 'where clause'"

Why is this happening when I use the student class, but not the user
class? As far as I can tell, apart from this the inheritance has
fine - if I retreived a student object I can access all the
fields, including the userStatus. So, I think its a problem with the
query rather than the inheritance setup.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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