Hello All,

It would be nice if sometime before 1.0 the following issue will be clarified or 

If optimistic locking is enabled for some object class, PersistenceBroker.delete 
(object) cannot delete the object if it has been modified by another session. In 
current CVS version, delete statement generated for PB.delete() will be simply ignored 
(!). One have to use PB.deleteByQuery(...) for delete that bypasses stale object check.

Before RC5 this situation was producing OptimisticLockException exception ("Object has 
been modified by someone else"). But in Dec 2003 Thomas commented it out:

File: o.a.ojb.broker.accesslayer.JdbcAccessImpl.java (line 134):

// @todo: clearify semantics
// thma: the following check is not secure. The object could be deleted *or* changed.
// if it was deleted it makes no sense to throw an OL exception.
// does is make sense to throw an OL exception if the object was changed?
if (stmt.executeUpdate() == 0 && cld.isLocking()) //BRJ
 //throw new OptimisticLockException("Object has been modified by someone else", obj);


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