
here is the query:

OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
query.create("select aList from "
                    + Book.class.getName()
                    + " where image.height < $1");

query.bind(new Integer(150));
List bookList = (List) query.execute();

There is a 1:1 association between Book and Image, nothing from a real app, that is just a test.

I didn't take time to check OJB JUnit's test, but I'm pretty sure there are some like this one.

Wil Hunt wrote:
What was the syntax for your query?  I presume that something about the
query triggered the join code.


"Philippe Hacquin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Hi again,

sorry for the wrong tip. If it can be of any help, I've got such a query
working with MySQL 4.0.13 (an Integer as criteria, though, not a Date).

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