
Fairly self explanatory 

I'm using RC5 - does anyone have any ideas why this might occur (or has
it been fixed - I couldn't find anything in the CVS changelogs)?


Interfaces/Inheritance hierarchy:
   - Group*
     - StaffGroup*
     - StudentGroup*
   - AbstractPerson

The classes have implementations defined by xxImpl. Classes marked by *
are proxied (dynamic)

It works ok except occassionally there have been issues comparing
classes so in those cases we were using ProxyHelper.getRealClass()

Now we found an interesting case - the object is a GroupImpl
 ProxyHelper.getRealClass() returns StaffGroupImpl (?!)
 ProxyHelper.getRealObject().getClass() returns GroupImpl like it

If it's a new problem I'll try and wrap it into a TestCase...

Thanks for your help,

Rob :)

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