Hi, I have an issue with making multiple joins between two tables. 

I have a basic contact table with a 1->many relationship to a
simpleProperty table - which consists of name-value pair records to
dynamically extend my data set.

If I query with just one simple property it works just fine:

PB code (select all contacts with a simpleproperty subscribed=true):

Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

criteria.addEqualTo("simplePropertys.name", "subscribed");
criteria.addEqualTo("simplePropertys.booleanValue", new Boolean(true));
int count = broker.getCount(new QueryByCriteria(ContactImpl.class,

This causes the following SQL to run against the DB server: 

SELECT count(*) FROM Contact A0 INNER JOIN SimpleProperty A1 ON
A0.conOID=A1.simContactOID WHERE (A1.simName = @P1 ) AND
A1.simBooleanValue = @P2

Which is exactly what I want!

My problem starts if I want to query with two simplePropertys for
example, where subscribed=true AND region="Asia"

Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

    criteria.addEqualTo("simplePropertys.name", "subscribed");
    criteria.addEqualTo("simplePropertys.booleanValue", new
    Criteria criteria2 = new Criteria();
    criteria2.addEqualTo("simplePropertys.name", "region");
    criteria2.addEqualTo("simplePropertys.stringValue", "Asia");
     Criteria criteria3 = new Criteria();

     int count3 = broker.getCount(new QueryByCriteria(ContactImpl.class,

This causes the following SQL to run:

SELECT count(*) FROM Contact A0 INNER JOIN SimpleProperty A1 ON
A0.conOID=A1.simContactOID WHERE ( (A1.simName = @P1 ) AND
A1.simBooleanValue = @P2 ) AND  ((A1.simName = @P3 ) AND
A1.simStringValue = @P4 )

This returns 0 results as it's only using one join for both properties. 

The SQL I need uses two joins like this:

SELECT     *
FROM         Contact INNER JOIN
                      SimpleProperty s1 ON Contact.conOID =
s1.simContactOID INNER JOIN
                      SimpleProperty s2 ON Contact.conOID =
WHERE     (s1.simName = 'subscribed') AND (s1.simBooleanValue = 1) AND
(s2.simStringValue = 'Asia') AND (s2.simName = 'region')

In my application, criteria assembly is happening on-the-fly so I would
rather not use QueryBySQL if I can avoid it. Does anyone have any Ideas
on how to use the PersistenceBroker / Criteria API to build multiple
joins between the same tables as per the SQL example above?

Many thanks for your help, 


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