I have some "father" with large number of "childs" in some of our project. The 
solution I've
found is make the getChildren() method execute a PB Query (of course you can use other 

Criteria c = new Criteria();
c.addEqualTo("fahter.id", fatherId); //this tells to what father we are looking for
c.addEqualTo("childType", childWanted); // you can check sex, age and so on here...
QueryByCriteria q = new QueryByCriteria(Child.class, c);

Of course, you will need to change the values according to your app. Not loose 
if you use DefaultCache. Dont forget to index your child by FATHERID, CHILDTYPE 
columns (or
other columns - in majority of databases, indexing only by FATHERID is sufficient), so 
can be really fast!!!

I expect this helps,

Edson Richter

> The pattern I typically use for this is to provide accessors for the collection that 
> take a
> filter:
> public interface Filter
> {
>     public boolean accept(Object o);
> }
> public class CollectionUtil
> {
>     public static List filter(List l, Filter f)
>     {
>         ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
>         for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++)
>         {
>             Object item = l.get(i);
>             if (f.accept(item)) result.add(item);
>         }
>         return result;
>     }
> }
> public class Father
> {
>     private List children;
>     public List getChildren()
>     {
>         return children;
>     }
>     public List getChildren(filter f)
>     {
>         return CollectionUtil.filter(children, f);
>     }
> }
> public class Child
> {
>     private String gender;
>     private int age;
>     public String getGender()
>     {
>         return gender;
>     }
>     public int getAge()
>     {
>         return age;
>     }
>     // I typically then define common filters that I expect to be useful on the 
> class of the
> object
>     // being filtered but the client can define their own for other criteria
>     public static final Filter MALES = new Filter()
>         {
>             public boolean accept(Object o)
>             {
>                 return ((Child) o).getGender().equals("male");
>             }
>         };
>     public static final Filter FEMALES = new Filter()
>         {
>             public boolean accept(Object o)
>             {
>                 return ((Child) o).getGender().equals("female");
>             }
>         };
>     public static final Filter MINORS = new Filter()
>         {
>             public boolean accept(Object o)
>             {
>                 return ((Child) o).getAge() < 18;
>             }
>         };
>     public static final Filter ADULTS = new Filter()
>         {
>             public boolean accept(Object o)
>             {
>                 return ((Child) o).getAge() >= 18;
>             }
>         };
> }
> So the client code is just something along the lines of:
>     List femaleChildren = father.getChildren(Children.FEMALES);
> It leaves itself open to defining composite filters and negating filters as well to 
> combine
> conditions, i.e.:
>     List femaleAdultChildren = father.getChildren(new 
> CompositeFilter(Children.FEMALES,
> Children.ADULTS));
> In this example the assumption is that all of the children are loaded into memory.  
> As has
> been pointed out this works great if the collection of child objects is reasonable 
> but you
> probably wouldn't want to take this approach if the children were in the 10's of 
> thousands
> and the filter is fairly selective (male/female isn't very selective, you expect 
> whichever
> query you do to return roughly half the collection).  In a couple of situations like 
> that
> I've used the same pattern but had the filter be a little more introspectable and
> implemented the equivalent of getChildren(filter) by introspecting on the filter and
> constructing a query object and doing a query to get the results.
> As Armin said there are query customizers as well.  The problem I think you'll have 
> there
> though is if the membership in the collection overlaps as in my male/female - 
> adult/minor
> example above.  The collections are really modeled to represent relationships not 
> arbitrary
> queries.  In this case each child is going to belong to two distinct collections, 
> it's
> unclear to me what happens when you remove a child from the 'females' collection but 
> I'm
> guessing there will be inconsistency with other collections you have currently 
> loaded that
> contain that same child.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:52 AM
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: Re: Need help to auto-retrieve some individuals
> Hi Gustavo,
> did you see the query customizer stuff?
> http://db.apache.org/ojb/tutorial3.html#Customizing%20collection%20queries
> regards,
> Armin
>> Thanks Edson for your quick answer.
>> We ´ve already seen your approach. The problem we see with it,is in our
>> real world, the fact that attributes values are more than two in some
>> cases (male and female is just a set of two for this example), and as you
>> say, in some cases there is a large numbre of childre. We envision our
>> requirement (retrieving a subset of child objects) more as a behaviour
>> pattern than a business method.
>> Let´s say attribute is something like the object state, and values could
>> be active, inactive, suspended, deprecated, preferred etc. and let say as
>> you suggest, there is a very large number of children. There are so many
>> combinations to hard code business methods for each persistent class.
>> OJB capabilities to retrieve collections are great. I would like to see
>> them enhaced to be able to retrieve collection sub sets just passing some
>> "criteria". Arguments might be class collection name, attribute, value and
>> connector (equal, not equal, less than etc.).
>> In the mean time we are thinking about delegating this to a helper class
>> or some storage controller thing in order to avoid coding class by class.
>> We suspect this will not be that efficient in terms of database reads etc.
>> compared to a pure OJB native solution.
>> Thanks!
>> Gustavo.
>> Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
>> on 27/04/2004 09:55:28 a.m.:
>>>Unless your Father has a very large number of children (as can occur in
>>>a Construction and the elements of construction in a price building
>>>system), you will find easier to get all childrens and implements two
>>>business methods in your Father bean: getFemaleChildrens() and
>>>So, you will have three ways to get the data you want, withou need to
>>>execute more than two selects on database. If you use JavaBeans based
>>>programming, when OJB call setChild, you can separate males and females,
>>>and kee each in theyr own list...
>>>Just my 2c,
>>>Edson Richter
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>Let’s say we have an object name Father, who has a Child class
>> collection
>>>>(aggregate association). With the right repository settings
>> (autoretrieve=
>>>>true etc.) every time we "load" a father from the database, the
>> children
>>>>will be instantiated (they may be proxies or materialized).
>>>>Here’s our ignorance: when we retrieve a father we need the retrieved
>>>>children collection, to be just a subset of the all father’s children
>>>>collection. The children are those with a any given attribute set to a
>> any
>>>>given value (let say just those children with gender attribute set to
>>>>This is just like having a filter or criteria setting at the owned
>>>>collection level.
>>>>Please pay attention to the fact we do not want to filter the fathers
>>>>based in some children attributes. We need retrieve all fathers, just
>>>>filtering some children.
>>>>We are aware we could retrieve the father an then iterate the
>> collection
>>>>discarding the children we do not need, but we need this to become a
>>>>common feature for our classes, not just a business logic for a single
>>>>app, therefore we would like to know how to handle this in general.
>>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>>Gustavo Faerman.
>>>>Buenos Aires, Argentina
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