On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Thomas Dudziak wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Maksimenko Alexander wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I am confronted with strange behavior of the xdoclet module -
> > In the nested class I specify all attributes of the field except the 
> > column name:
> > 
> >   /**
> >    * @ojb.field jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="50"
> >    */
> >   private String login;
> >   /**
> >    * @ojb.field jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="50"
> >    */
> >   private String password;
> > 
> > In the container object I specify the column name (I think its very 
> > usual to customize only column name)
> >   /**
> >    * @ojb.nested
> >    * @ojb.modify-nested name="login" column="SCRIPT_EXEC_LOGIN"
> >    * @ojb.modify-nested name="password" column="SCRIPT_EXEC_PW"
> >    */
> >   private Credential scriptExecutionCredential;
> > 
> > I get the following class descriptor:
> > <field-descriptor
> >         name="scriptExecutionCredential::login"
> >         column="SCRIPT_EXEC_LOGIN"
> >         jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
> >         length="50"
> >     >
> >     </field-descriptor>
> >     <field-descriptor
> >         name="scriptExecutionCredential::password"
> >         column="scriptExecutionCredential_password"
> >         jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
> >         length="50"
> >     >
> > So the first nested field was processed well but in the second field the 
> > column name is incorrect.
> I added a test to verify that this is a bug in the XDoclet module. I will
> fix this later today.
> Tom

Is fixed in CVS. Apparently the module did only process one
ojb.modify-inherited tag per field.


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