On 04/06/20 9:59, "Thomas Dudziak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Pedro Salgado wrote:
>>   Another problem:
>>   The classpath element should include all of the libs required to run
>> xdoclet (not only the xdoclet*.jar, but also xjavadoc and the dependencies
>> like commons-collections, etc)... Since I donąt really know the dependencies
>> it is better to include all stuff on the ojb/lib directory.
>>     <path id="classpath.ojb">
>>         <fileset dir="${tool.ojb}/lib">
>>             <include name="**/*.jar"/>
>>         </fileset>
>>     </path>

In the documentation:

<path id="build-classpath">
    <fileset dir="lib/xdoclet"><!-- HERE -->
        <include name="**/*.jar"/>

> Yes, but it does so in every build file in OJB ?! That's the common way
> to specify the classpath with Ant.
>>   The rest well... Your property file seems to have made wonders but... I
>> think it bypassed the problems (this good... in a way).
>>   Still:
>>   - the database name that I insert on your cvs build.properties must exist
>> because otherwise I get a SQLException on executing the target create-db,
>>   - the SQLException is also thrown if I donąt use the cvs build.properties
>> (see below),
>>   - I needed to add torque.schema.dir and torque.sql.dir (schemaDir and
>> outputDirectory didnąt work... ) to the torque ant calls.
>>   - Torque is using the driver and database connection settings that are
>> specified on the mysql.profile that, of course are different from the ones I
>> specified on the cvs  build.properties. Question: why are these cvs
>> build.properties settings:
>> dbmsName=MySQL
>> jdbcLevel=3.0
>> jdbcRuntimeDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>> urlProtocol=jdbc
>> urlSubprotocol=mysql
>> urlDbalias=//localhost/${databaseName}
>>  doing?).
>>   It seems that I need to setup my database settings on the mysql.profile
>> (correct me if I am wrong).
> You're essentially mixing up two different things here. The two files
> that I pointed you to, are the build files of the ojb-blank project
> which is a skeleton project for users to get started with OJB. As such
> this project only requires the configuration for one database which is
> quite different from OJB whose unit tests shall run under every
> supported database. Therefore, the build script for the ojb-blank
> project only needs build.properties which contains among other stuff the
> database settings. The OJB build file on the other hand also requires
> profiles for the individual databases, and its build.properties file
> only references the profile to use but otherwise doesn't contain any
> database settings. My advise is that you're better off with the
> ojb-blank build files as a starting point because most of the stuff in
> OJB's build files shouldn't be relevant for you.
> The other problem that the setup-db target (in the ojb-blank build
> script) solves, is that the Torque settings are not used by OJB, so we
> have to setup the environment for Torque before using its build file to
> create the database etc. This is essentially what the setup-db task
> does. However, as I can see from your build file, you used the old stuff
> from the XDoclet docs (which I changed in CVS) but not the changed stuff
> from the ojb-blank build script (setup-db target). You should use the
> latter because Torque now requires some more settings that we have to
> supply prior to calling any targets in the Torque build file.
>>   There is no problem with this... I just wonder what does the cvs
>> properties sets up after all? If I removed them then the following exception
>> appears:
>> Target create-db
>> Task torque-data-model
>> Task echo
>> Task sql
>> build-torque.xml:321: java.sql.SQLException: General error,  message from
>> server: "Unknown database 'ojb'"
>>   This shouldn't appear because:
>>   1- I am not using a database yet... I want to create the required database
>> if it doesnąt exist
>>   2- anyway, the database name should come from the schema file
> In the ojb-blank file, you define the database name in the
> build.properties file, and the build script will setup both the jdbc
> connection descriptor and the schema file (via the xdoclet target) with
> the correct name.
>>   3- I don't have an ojb value for any of the properties I set (not on my
>> build.xml, not on my cvs build.properties, not even on the mysql.profile)
>> where does this "ojb" come from?
>>   Below is my working build.xml file.
>>   It is still missing the repository.xml and repository_database.xml
>> generation.
> Please use the ojb-blank build files as the basis for your project, not
> OJB's build files. This will make it a lot easier for you.

I didn't realize there was a project-blank to startup with :(.
Sorry for the wasted time.

Thank you Tom,

Pedro Salgado

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