> Paolo Salvan wrote:
>>I' starting the development of a non-trivial web app using ojb, mysql,
>> and jsp...
>>I havent't clear ideas about which is the right moment to create/close
>> the various objects, to get the best architecture and to take advantage
>> of the connection-pooling.

  connection-pooling... well JDBC 2.0 (or was it 3.0... or is just some
mixed up idea) drivers don't take care of connection pooling themselves?

>>In order to launch queries, to update data and so on, I need the
>> following 3 objects:
>>- an ojb instance

  just the PersistenceBroker, PersistenceManager or the ODMG equivalent is
needed. These must not be shared and be closed when finished (just like
JDBC connections).

>>- a db connection
>>- a transaction
>>I can create them at the global application level, at the user session
>> level or at the single jsp level... but it isn't obvius to me what is
>> the right solution... any help?

  I usually initialize and share a factory (on JDO it is the
PersistenceBrokerFactory) among all DAOs to create the PersistenceBroker
or PersistenceManager.
  I use the VO (Value objects) to pass information between the DAO and the
actions (Struts).

> You most certainly don't want to code business functionality right into
> the JSP. Your project sounds like it would benefit from the Struts
> framework, have a look here: http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/ and here
> for a tutorial: http://www.fawcette.com/javapro/2002_07/online/kjones/

  Struts will certainly be a good idea :)

Pedro Salgado

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