
several days ago I changed from RC6 to OJB 1.0.0 and so far it is running fine. But now I encounter a strange bug - something which has not happened with RC6.

I have a class Team and there is a N-M-Relation between Teams and Subteam.

Now I am adding some (already persistent) Teams t1...tn to another Team t:

Team t = ......

PersistenceBroker pb = ....

Before the update OJB inserted all necessary rows in the database. But now there only the *last* added Team persistent. The other thing is, that t1 is not in the cache either.

But when I try to store Team t after each add-Statement the database and the object is correctly updated!

So is this a bug or am I missing something? I suspect it is an error of OJB ??

Glad for any help.

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