On Jul 29, 2004, at 4:42 PM, Artur Z wrote:


I searched the archive and I have not found answers so please tell me:

- is it still impossible to use OJB/JDO in production (because of the sun's JDORI license) ?


- when apache implementation of JDO will be ready ?

Good question. We are working on this, but can always use help =) I *hope* to have it production worthy and compliant with the JDO2 spec by november.

- why JDO api is better than ODMG (I mean functionality, usability) ?

It does support a few things ODMG doesn't -- attach/detach, efficient query by identity, explicit optimistic transaction support.


only a few days left me for making decision about deep going into OJB, so please help me found the answers

Best regards


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