Of course, I already updated with latest from CVS.
And more one detail: I'm using NetBeans 3.6 with Ant 1.6.1.

Thanks for any tips,


Em Ter, 2004-08-10 ās 16:24, Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter escreveu:
> Hi!
> I've updated to OJB 1.0 and now I'm trying OJB doclet module.
> I already documented some classes with ojb.class and so on, but I always
> get an empty .xml file with only 2 lines of commets. There is no error
> message, only ones like
> INFO: Some classes refer to other classes that were not found among the
> sources or on the classpath.  (Perhaps the referred class doesn't exist?
> Hasn't been generated yet?)
> The referring classes do not import any fully qualified classes matching
> there classes belong to the same package as the referring class. The
> classes are:
>  '..\Project\br\...\beans\MyBean.java --> My qualified to
> br...beans.My') (one line like this for each interface)
> Where My is an interface to MyBean and doclets are in MyBean.
> My target is:
> <target name="xyz">
>   <taskdef name="ojbdoclet"
>            classname="xdoclet.modules.ojb.OjbDocletTask"
>            classpathref="project.class.path"/>
>   <ojbdoclet destdir=".">
>     <fileset dir="${src}/br/.../beans" includes="**/*.java"/>
>     <ojbrepository verbose="true"
> destinationFile="${src}/ojb/repository_auxo.xml"/>
>   </ojbdoclet>
> </target>
> Any tips?
> Thanks,
> Richter
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