the XDoclet output is the following
In fact now it doesn't process the file, and I don't know why 
because It used to process the file before. However, even if the file was 
processed by xdoclet, there was no result in the repository file, like now when 
it's not processed, that's why I found it weird.
[ojbdoclet] Type kdms.core.Room
[ojbdoclet] Type kdms.core.NetworkAddress
[ojbdoclet] Type kdms.core.AbstractRoom
[ojbdoclet] Processed 3 types
[ojbdoclet] Processed 3 types

Sylvain Juge wrote:

> Here is the XDoclet schema output (repository_user.xml)
> I removed all irrelevant data to keep it clear.
Ahem, I meant the console output when running Ant. The XDoclet module 
should write out all classes that it processes.


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