Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Thomas Dudziak wrote:

If you just want to run something, then drop in the source files and do

I want to run and explore it.

ant build
ant setup-db
cd build/resources
java -classpath "the;classpath"

ok, will try.

I've compiled the code within netbeans, but i'm not able to start within the IDE.

can you please give me the exact command line for the tutorial 1?

My project resides on:

java -classpath???


An ant target "jar" is available. Within Netbeans 4.0, i've started this.

Try to execute the produced jar:

J:\pj\ojbeval\ojb-blank\target>java -jar my-project.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

I really think your quick-start application needs to be updated a little, thus it is easier for newcomers to understand.

I can assist you to make a netbeans 4.0 project and a very compact document, which will be usable for total newcomers.

[but first, please let me know how to start my OJB tutorials]

I the OJB-team actually intrested to increase the general usage of OJB?


I have some very simple suggestions, which need only a few days to implement.




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