Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

Right. Hmm, lets see: OJB is a Java library / O/R mapping framework, so what you need to know *in advance* in order to use it would be Java. Likewise, OJB uses Ant for building, so you also need at least a little bit of knowledge about Ant, e.g. how to install Ant, how to invoke it.

This is only true, if the ojb-developers fail to encapsulate the domain knowledge.

No, OJB helps you with some of the technical knowledge (i.e. databases) but not with domain knowledge (e.g. finance, e-shop ...). And OJB does not away with all technical knowledge. You're still required to be able to program in Java, use Ant etc. (as I've already written).

If you're not willing to get this knowledge, then you're right, then we as the developers have difficulties to provide you the 'solution' because we cannot and will not teach you Java or Ant, you will have to do this yourself if you want to get anywhere in the Java world (as with any other computer language or environment).

We are talking about a "run" and a "deploy" abstraction.

Which you have finally created, but not posted to the threads where i've asked for it.

In case you forgot: Jakob created this run 'abstraction' for you days ago, but you kept demanding something better or other. All I did was make the generation of these run.bat and files automatic within ojb-blank, as you could have known when you had actually read my mail and would have bothered to check out the changes (btw, the dev-mailing archive is easily accessible from the OJB homepage, all info about the change are there). So please stop this accusing.

And please, 'requesting' stuff won't get you anywhere because it is rude.

"Requesting" is not rude.

RFC = Request For Comments.


I'm afraid you're confusing "requesting" with "demanding".

"Requesting": means in German: Bitten, Anfragen.

Thanks, but I know the difference. Rather, I think you mistake demanding for requesting, judging from the tone in your mails.

You should be polite (as everybody else on this list is), and read the docs (because that is what there are for) and ask for help if you're stuck. And if you can provide input or corrections or improvements, all the better, as we're more than willing to incorporate them into OJB.

I don't think that the people on this list (especially you) are very polite.

Otherwise you would not hide changes, which were initiated by an individual (me) behind necessary domain-knowledge (CVS acess).

You wrote this large message here, but you've still not posted the corrections to the list, thus the thread becomes usable in the archives (and i get my solution).

Btw, as I said I don't think that a quickstart won't get you anywhere, because it only shows that OJB works, but not how. That is what the getting-started doc and the ojb-blank is for. If you think that you can enhance the doc, great, go ahead and post whatever you have to this list.

As said again: I depend on a minimum assistance from the developers.

But it seems that stubberness and egoism rules in this project.

And we are unpolite? Come on, in every answer that you've got to your not exactly polite mails, you've got constructive and polite help from users and developers of OJB, and you still keep on insulting people although you cannot base your accusations with any facts ? (and from what I gather from another mail in this thread, this is not the first time that this has happened ?)
No one hides anything here (remember that this is an open source project ?), but rather you seem to refuse to use the help that you've been given already. How are we supposed to help, then ?
I would like to politely ask you to stop accusing people and actually use the help that the people on this list gave you (read the docs and mails, follow the pointers, etc.), so that you and we can start getting work done again.


PS: I will send you the ojb-blank.jar directly, as this is not possible within the mailing list (list restrictions). Be aware though, that it a hefty 4.5 MB download.

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