Hi Roland and all,

I also had problems with the broker and now I'm realised, that only if I
define the connection Pool in both files where it is possible
(OJB.properties AND reposistory.xml), it works like we want.

I tried many settings and tested it with JMeter and produced havy laod on
the web application.

The connection pool didn't grow over 21 connections to the db. Only with
setting of maxActive=100 and maxIdle=20 in repository.xml and OJB.properties
it growed over 21 connection on havy load. I don't know why but now it works
fine now.

I searched in the source of OJB and found the default settings in

Try to make the settings in both files.
Our application now runs with your settings and we now use the latest official ojb release. And all the problems are solved.

For our oracle database we use another sequence manager as before. All changes were made without any problems.

I think ojb is a great and powerfull tool! :)

Thanks for your help!

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