Hi Thomas

Thank's for your answer (fast)

Thomas Dudziak wrote:

A Leg wrote:


I downloaded from CVS to update ojb (I am still in rc6).

You shouldn't use CVS head, at least not for production use, because that's OJB 1.1 and is under heavy development at the moment. Rather, download the OJB 1.0.1 binary distribution.

OK I will do that for production.
But I will try to get it compile to use for tests.

And I wanted to compile using Maven (it fail ay way using ant) and I have problem :

The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependencies:

ejb.jar (try downloading from http://java.sun.com/j2ee/)
jdo-1.0.1.jar (try downloading from http://java.sun.com/products/jdo/)
jdori-1.0.1.jar (try downloading from http://java.sun.com/products/jdo/)
J2EE-2.x.jar (try downloading from http://java.sun.com/products/j2ee/)
p6spy-1.0.jar (try downloading from http://www.p6spy.com/)
xalan-2.4.jar (try downloading from http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/)

It seems that these jars has been taken off ibiblio.
I tried to download and install by hand these jars in maven repository.
I succed for some of them.
But now I am stucked

I don't know where to find

Does any body knows exactly (I get lost in sun web sites) where I can get these 2 jars ?

See the deployment doc (http://db.apache.org/ojb/docu/guides/deployment.html#additional-jars). The two jars that you mentioned are part of the J2EE SDK (version 1.3) which you can download from the Sun site that you mentioned.
Btw, if you download the OJB binary dist, then you probably don't need these jars anyway, at least not if you're not doing EJB or JDO development.

I don't find about ejb.jar ?
is it part of the j2ee sdk ?

The message for j2ee is :
J2EE-2.x.jar (try downloading from http://java.sun.com/products/j2ee/)
the link http://java.sun.com/products/j2ee/ does not exists,
and j2ee sdk higher release is 1.4, why 2.x and why Upper cases J2EE ?

Is it possible to use some gerenimo jars instead of j2ee.jar and ejb.jar ?
This could simplify.

Best regards



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