> I'm sorry, I forgot to add Collection of A's in C (see above). With this
> collection, xdoclet fails - for both 1.0.1 release and 1.0.x branch (I'm 
> working
> off the branch as mentioned above).

Ok, right, in this case I too get the error that you described.
> Yes, it is not: first, you have to create record in table C, before trying
> inserting record into table A. More on this below...

Please add an issue in OJB's Scarab for this problem (which is not
XDoclet related, but rather a bug in the handling of inheritance
mapped to multiple tables).
> But it's not desirable - fk constraints are a good thing to have.

Yup, it is just a workaround to make it work and get the above error.
> Well, it's getting more strange still... I ran your code (without modifying C
> class) and got (starting with first insert):

> As you can see, first insert happens for A, not for C - which is, IIUC, wrong.
> So, what's the difference - why it was working for you?

It worked for me because I did disable the foreingkey-generation (see above).

It is an error in the XDoclet module, but the fix is a bit more
complicated, I think. I'll keep you updated.


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